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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags manual & graficos

June 2009

Michael Sturgeon | Scribd

Michael.Sturgeon Cleveland, TN PhD Candidate (obsessing over it) I love to spend time traveling overseas. My favorite country so far is Ukraine. As odd as that sounds, I had to move there. As a Fulbright Senior Scholar I lived in Ukraine for six months as visiting lecturer during 2004 (time of the Orange Revolution)

A Guide to Inkscape - Web Site

by 3 others
Comments are welcomed. Send to tavmjong .at. free .dot. fr The Guide - Web Multiple versions are available: * For Inkscape 0.46. Other languages: Español, Français, Italian * For Inkscape 0.45.1 * For Inkscape 0.44.1. Other languages: Dutch * For Inkscape 0.43 For changes between Inkscape versions see: * 0.46 Release notes. * 0.45 Release notes. * 0.44 Release notes. Note on translating the guide.

May 2009

GIMP - Documentation

GIMP comes with a built-in help system. Once you have started the program, press F1 for context-sensitive help. You may have to install the help pages from a separate package (gimp-help), depending on how your version of GIMP was packaged.

vivaotux: Manual gimp

Manual gimp A imagem “” contém erros e não pode ser exibida. Um bom manual abordando as ferramentas do gimp, afinal para se dominar uma ferramenta gráfica temos que saber para que serve cada ferramenta. Não deixe de baixar este manual

March 2008


Disciplina TIC - 9.º ano * Programa [PDF, 227 KB] * Legislação [PDF, 102 KB] * Orientações Curriculares (documento e forum de discussão no moodle CRIE ) - [entrada como "Visitante/Guest"] * Ligações Úteis ► Quadros Interactivos na Educação ► Área de Projecto 8º ano / e-portfolio ► As TIC nos JI e nas EB1 ► Aplicações gratuitas úteis para o ensino * Lista de aplicações gratuitas * Inkscape (manual) * GIMP (manual) ► Alinex para as Salas TIC ► CBTIC@EB1

January 2008

Fill and Stroke Paint

There are a number of different options for the Fill and Stroke paint of an object. Examples of the different options are shown below. The use of these options for the Fill and the Stroke paint is basically the same, so we'll use the word fill to talk about both at the same time.

The Anatomy of the Inkscape Window

he Anatomy of the Inkscape Window Start by opening Inkscape.[3] You will see a single window. This window contains several major areas, many containing clickable icons or pull-down menus. The following figure shows this window and labels key parts.


by 8 others

«« CRIE »»

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) é um programa gratuito (publicado com uma licença General Pubic Licence) de criação gráfica, edição e manipulação de imagem 2D. Permite criar imagens com um grande número de efeitos. Suporta vários tipo de formatos (GIF, JPG, PNG, XPM, TIFF, TGA, MPEG, PS, PDF, PCX, BMP, entre outros).