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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags linux & operating

September 2009

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

A Comunidade Ubuntu-BR é formada por pessoas voluntárias que visam contribuir com o sistema e com seus usuários, buscando interagir umas com as outras prestando suporte, divulgando, participando de eventos e compartilhando do espírito Ubuntu. Se você quer participar desta comunidade, Saiba como. Código de Conduta O Código de Conduta do Ubuntu rege o comportamento de todos os membros da Comunidade Ubuntu, em qualquer fórum, lista de discussão, wiki, site, canal de irc, install-fest, encontros públicos ou correspondências privadas. O Conselho Comunitário do Ubuntu irá arbitrar em qualquer discussão sobre a conduta de um membro da comunidade. Para estar de acordo, você precisa ler atentamente e assiná-lo. Conselho O Conselho Ubuntu Brasil é formado por 3 membros oficiais do Ubuntu, responsável por tomar decisões que afetarão direta ou inderetamente o futuro da comunidade, arbitrar nos assuntos relacionados a imagem da comunidade e no comportamento de seus membros, bem como representar oficialmente a distribuição em território nacional. Os membros do Conselho são: * André Gondim * Fabio Nogueira * Laudeci Oliveira Para entrar em contato com o Conselho, utilize o email conselho©

August 2009

Comunidade | Ubuntu-BR

Grupos Regionais Os Grupos Regionais são células de representação da comunidade Ubuntu nos diversos estados brasileiros. Neles você poderá encontrar usuários do Ubuntu Linux que residem no mesmo estado e cidade e até mesmo bairro que você. Os grupos organizam listas de discussões próprias, eventos, install fest e outras confraternizações e iniciativas, sendo uma forma muito interessante de se fazer novos amigos, contatos e trocas de experiências profissionais, culturais e sociais. Entre em contato com o Grupo Regional do seu estado e ajude na divulgação do Ubuntu GNU/Linux no seu bairro, faculdade, escola, cidade, empresa... espalhe o espírito Ubuntu! Usuários Mapa de usuários do Ubuntu no Brasil mostra a localização geográfica de usuários do Ubuntu no território nacional, qualquer um pode adicionar seu nome no mapa. Ubuntu-BR no Launchpad Time de Usuários Brasileiros do Ubuntu no Launchpad. Para participar deste time é necessário que o usuário esteja de acordo e tenha assinado o Código de Conduta. Locais * Fórum * Listas de discussão * Planeta (agregador de blogs)

Support - Xandros

Support Every commercial Xandros product includes Basic level support to make sure you get your system installed and configured properly. This support site also includes an FAQ section which addresses common issues and there are user forums for each of the products where forum members provide assistance to each other. If these resources don't enable you to resolve your issue, you may need to contact our technical support people. Depending on the nature and timing of your problem, your request may fall within your Basic level support. However, if you require more advanced assistance or if your support request is outside the allowable time frame for Basic support, pay-for-support options are available on annual subscription and per incident support basis. The following table provides a brief summary of the different options. Refer to the detailed Server SLA and Desktop SLA for a comprehensive comparison list. Note: For ASUS Eee PC support, please visit the ASUS Eee PC Support Center

November 2008

Tour | Xubuntu

Xubuntu is a full-featured operating system with which you can get started right away - no need to install additional software for most day-to-day tasks. Customizable It's easy to customize Xubuntu to match your personal tastes. It takes but a few clicks to change the theme, amount and location of panels, font, and more. Install panel plugins and more applications for additional functionality using the application installer. Finding new software is a breeze and installation is just a click away. Once applications are installed, updates can be downloaded and installed automatically

July 2008

February 2008

October 2007

Gobuntu | Ubuntu

Gobuntu is a GNU/Linux operating system, derived from Ubuntu, that endeavors to adhere to the Free Software Foundations four freedoms and intends to provide a base for other free software platforms to build upon with minimal modification required. It does this by only including open-source non-restricted software

Xubuntu 7.10 now available |

Xubuntu 7.10 now available The Xubuntu team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the latest release of the Xubuntu Linux operating system: 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon". The Xubuntu development team would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped coding, testing, designing, translating, testing and more, without whom this release would not have been possible. This release ships many improvements documented in the release notes. Download Xubuntu now or see the instructions for upgrading.

September 2007 - The RPM Package Manager

RPM is a core component of many Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Fedora Project, SUSE Linux Enterprise, openSUSE, CentOS, Mandriva Linux, and many others. It is also used on many other operating systems as well, and the RPM format is part of the Linux Standard Base.

Itautec - Librix Desktop

Esse sistema adequa-se ao uso em estações de trabalho tanto em ambiente doméstico, quanto corporativo. Para isso, disponibiliza um pacote completo de aplicativos: planilha eletrônica, editor de imagens e apresentações, entre outros. Além disso, oferece assistentes amigáveis para a configuração das mais diversas funcionalidades do sistema: configurações regionais, mouse, teclado, modem, conexão banda larga, firewall pessoal e impressoras, entre muitas outras. Unofficial APT repositories

by 4 others (via)
Unofficial APT repositories is intended as a place for people to share useful APT (Advanced Package Tool) sources for the Debian operating system.

Puppy live-CD

I tried lots of Linuxes on my PC. All are too slow. LiveCD are better. But the Puppy is unbelievably fast (it reminded me BeOS 5PE system - a unique one). I give a word to use only Puppy for the future. No.1 ! *

openSUSE 10.2 from NOVELL®

openSUSE® 10.2 For rich, reliable and secure home computing, there's no better choice than openSUSE 10.2. It features an easy-to-install Linux operating system that lets you browse the Web, send e-mail, chat with friends, organize digital photos, play movies and songs, and create documents and spreadsheets. You can even use it to host a Web site or blog, create a home network and develop your own applications. More

August 2007

Linux Driver Kit -- Lexmark United States

The Lexmark Linux Printer Driver Development Kit (LLPDDK) provides libraries needed to develop and promote custom printer and scanner drivers' development for the Linux operating system. These libraries allow communication with Lexmark Inkjet printers and Lexmark All-In-Ones, as well as printing across popular print subsystems and scanning using the SANE standards.

Mandriva One - Mandriva Linux

What is Mandriva One? Mandriva One brings you a top-notch operating system and best-in-class software applications, all on one CD! Just put the CD in your CD or DVD drive and try Mandriva Linux. In order to help people to discover Linux, Mandriva One is designed to be very easy to use. The installation wizard and the dual-boot setup wizard help the user to install Linux if he decides to migrate - a simple icon on the desktop allows you to install the system with a few clicks, without rebooting! Files created in live mode are included if you install the running system to the hard disk!

Linux Desktop and Server Operating Systems

by 4 others (via)
Free Downloads Take our award-winning desktop and server out for a test drive with our free trial downloads

Win/FAT32 Fiesty

Windows with FAT32 Feisty Fawn Edited Tuesday, July 03 2007 This web-page is part of a larger site giving examples of how to install Windows Ubuntu Linux operating systems 'dual boot' in a computer. Illustrated Dual Boot HomePage This webpage is for the 'Ubuntu 'Feisty Fawn 7.04', 'alternate' installer. The released install CD called ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso, md5sum ff0cc7c9ed5157f0ff8c0f2213973f49 This install guide is for installing Ubuntu 'Feisty Fawn', dual boot with Windows XP Home Edition, Windows 98, or any other operating system with a FAT32 filesystem. The Windows operating system should be installed first, and then Ubuntu.

Illustrated Dual Boot Site

by 1 other (via)
Illustrated Dual Boot Site Home Page Edited Friday, July 13 2007 This website is about how to use the Ubuntu 'Alternate' Install CD, and also features all kinds of help with Linux bootloaders and dual booting. You NEED Linux in your computer so you can get email and use the internet safely. The internet is not safe for your existing operating system because it is incurably vulnerable to all kinds of evil pests and threats. Read this BBC News article, Google searches web's dark side. Solve the problem, install Linux today and keep your other OS for home use only, safely off the internet. You can switch to Linux later as you learn to use it and discover how much better it is.

July 2007

Window Managers for X

by 4 others (via)
Welcome Welcome to my guide to window managers and desktop environments for The X Window System, as used mainly by Linux and UNIX operating systems. Here you will find descriptions, screenshots and configuration files for all popular window managers, along with related resources, including a news and discussion area. Simply click on the appropriate links on the left, or below.

June 2007


EU COM ACADEMIA AQUI !!! sidux is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, Debian's most modern branch (called "Sid") and many free and open source applications.