public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag language

30 June 2008 19:45

Little Wizard - download

You have selected to download the 1.2.0rc1 release. Below is a list of files contained in this release. Before downloading, you may want to read the release notes.

29 June 2008 19:45


by 7 others
News * (23-June-2008) wxPython is now available. This release had a number of further refinements and enhancements on the stable 2.8 source tree since the previous release. On Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) the Python 2.5 binaries of wxPython are able to be used with either Apple's system Python, or with the version. More details are in the Recent Changes document. * (29-Nov-2007) wxPython is now available. This release has had some bugs fixed, some minor patches applied, and also incorporates the Google Summer of Code 2007 version of XRCed, and adds the Editra source code editor. NOTE: On Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) the Python 2.5 binaries of wxPython expect to be used with the user-installed version of MacPython, not the Apple installed version. A fix for this issue is being worked on for the next release. In the meantime you can either install MacPython 2.5.1 and adjust your paths so that that Python is used, or you can stick with Apple's Python and the wxPython that comes with Leopard. * (26-Oct-2007) wxPython is now available. This release has some important bug fixes and is a general improvement over * (27-Sept-2007) wxPython been released. This release is mostly about fixing a number of bugs and inconsistencies in wxWidgets and wxPython. * (13-Sept-2007) The mail lists are up and are working on processing all the queued messages. This was definitely a "when it rains it pours" kind of situation, see the DotSrc news archive for more details. * (10-Sept-2007) Yes, the mail lists are down and have been since the 8th. There were multiple disk failures in RAID5 array of the machine that hosts the mail lists. The hardware has been replaced and data is being restored from tape backups. * (8-Aug-2007) wxPython been released. This release includes several fixes and a few additions and improvements, as well as new build features for Debian/Ubuntu and OS X. * (14-May-2007) wxPython has been released, with lots of updates, fixes and improvements. * (22-Mar-2007) wxPython has been released. This release includes a number of bug fixes and also some new enhancements, including updates to the XRCed tool and the new InspectionTool. * (20-Jan-2007) wxPython has been released. This release adds a few minor enhancements and a number of bug fixes designed to further stabalize the 2.8.x release series.

29 June 2008 19:15 DOCUMENTATION

by 1 other
Python Documentation Python's standard documentation is substantial; download your own copy or browse it online! * Download Current Documentation (many formats are available, including typeset versions for printing.) * Search the docs with pyhelp.cgi * Browse Current Documentation - (Module Index) o Tutorial o Library Reference o Macintosh Reference o Language Reference o Extending and Embedding o Python/C API See also previous versions of these documents Future versions of these documents (currently under development): * Python 2.6 * Python 3.0 A variety of additional documentation is available as well: * Beginner's Guide to Python * Quick Reference Guide (off-site) * New-style classes (aka descrintro) * HOWTO documents (off-site) * Topic guides * Other documentation collections * Python Books * Python book reviews (off-site) * Python Periodicals * Guido's essays and presentations * Non-English documents * PEPs (Python Enhancement Proposals) as well as collections of audio/visual materials and reusable slideshows: * Audio/Visual talks * 5-minute Get-Acquainted screencasts * Slideshow collections

03 June 2008 18:00

Interactive Italian language course. Copyright 1997, 1998. 1999 Fabio Girelli-Carasi. This project is supported in part by a grant from TITLE VI, US Department of Education.

The Interactive Course that Makes Learning Italian Easy ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project is funded in part through a grant from Title VI U.S. Department of Education International Resources and Studies PR/Award P017A0048 © Fabio Girelli-Carasi 1997-2004

03 June 2008 17:15

italian language course for the internet mainframe

LEZIONE 1 IO io sono, io mi chiamo, io lavoro, io abito, aggettivi, nazionalita' LEZIONE 2 TU abitare in: casa, appartamento, villa, etc. appartamento.... Formazione domande domanda LEZIONE 3 LUI, LEI formale/informale; lavorare in; articoli indeterminativi LEZIONE 4 CHE COSA FAI? Professioni; articoli determinativi; la scuola; formazione domande LEZIONE 5 LA FAMIGLIA Avere; possessivi; i numeri; il plurale LEZIONE 6 LA CASA La vita in citta' ; la vita in campagna; la natura LEZIONE 7 A CASA Le attivita' in casa; le stanze; l'appartamento; la villetta LEZIONE 8 LA CASA Stanza per stanza LEZIONE 9 IL CIBO Mangiare; la cucina; invito a cena; imperativo LEZIONE 10 IL TEMPO Le ore; gli orari; i giorni LEZIONE 11 I MESI E LE STAGIONI Il tempo atmosferico; le feste italiane LEZIONE 12 IL TEMPO LIBERO Stare a casa; gli hobby LEZIONE 13 I DIVERTIMENTI Andare fuori; ristorante; spettacoli LEZIONE 14 L'ABBIGLIAMENTO I vestiti; i negozi; il passato prossimo; conoscere/sapere; riflessivi LEZIONE 15 LA SALUTE Il corpo; fare esercizio LEZIONE 16 MI RICORDO quando ero bambino; imperfetto LEZIONE 17 VIAGGIARE Il congresso; in aeroporto; l'albergo LEZIONE 18 VIAGGIARE Il traffico; le vacanze LEZIONE 19 IL COMPUTER Hardware; periferici; email; Internet LEZIONE 20 UN VIAGGIO NEL TEMPO L'impero romano; il Rinascimento; l'Ottocento; il condizionale; il congiuntivo; il comparativo

26 April 2008 08:45

26 April 2008 07:30

26 April 2008 07:15

25 April 2008 02:30

25 April 2008 02:15


25 April 2008 02:00

25 April 2008 01:45

24 April 2008 23:15

24 April 2008 22:15

13 April 2008 16:00

04 April 2008 00:30

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

by 6 others
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) XML Graphics for the Web SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. SVG 1.1 is a W3C Recommendation and forms the core of the current SVG developments. SVG Tiny 1.2 is the specification currently being developed as the core of the SVG 1.2 language (comments welcome). The SVG Mobile Profiles: SVG Basic and SVG Tiny are targeted to resource-limited devices and are part of the 3GPP platform for third generation mobile phones. SVG Print is a set of guidelines to produce final-form documents in XML suitible for archiving and printing. Read more about SVG.

31 March 2008 13:15

Aprenda Computacao com Python

Bem vindo ao site do mutirão de tradução do livro "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python", de Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner e Chris Meyers. Todo o conteúdo deste site pode ser reproduzido livremente, nos termos da licença GNU FDL (Free Documentation License)

19 March 2008 01:00

Free Online Language Courses

Word2Word is pleased to provide these links in the hope of all people developing a better understanding of others through the use of language. We have attempted to place as many online courses at your disposal as possible. These sites contain lessons to help learn one language from another. The courses vary in quality and the quantity of material presented. Please note that some of the courses may require your browser to have the ability to read the language being learned. The links we provide are to free resources; however, if you do need to purchase language learning software, tapes or books then you can visit this link. If you are a business and would like to be a sponsor of this site or you find any bad links or new useful links then please contact us from the appropriate address on our How To Contact Us webpage.

19 March 2008 00:45

28 February 2008 16:15

28 February 2008 02:15