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03 November 2018 17:15

Jolene Gear, Robert Gear - Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test (4th ed.) [2006, PDF, MP3] ::

Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test (4th ed.) picГод выпуска: 2006 Автор: Jolene Gear, Robert Gear Издательство: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 978-0-521-75584-9 Формат: PDF, MP3 (128kbps, 44,1kHz) Качество: Отсканированные страницы Описание: A new edition designed to prepare students for the TOEFL iBT test, administered online. The complete package for self-study includes the student book with hundreds of skill-building exercises, the full audio program on audio CDs for use with the exercises and practice tests in the book, and the CD-ROM with seven practice tests. Key features of the 4th edition include: - An iBT-format diagnostic test, three complete practice tests, and mini-tests in the book - Seven complete practice tests on CD-ROM - Over 200 skill-building exercises in reading, listening, speaking, and writing - Integrated-skills tasks that combine reading and listening with speaking or writing - Test-taking strategies for each skill - A special section to strengthen vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar as well as not-taking, paraphrasing, and summarizing skills - An answer key with explanations, plus sample answers for TOEFL iBT essays and speaking responses - A complete audio program with listening exercises and practice tests Раздача включает в себя: Student book + Practice tests + Answer Keys + Audio Scripts + 8CDs

03 November 2018 17:00

(Английский язык) Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT [8CD+PDF][2006] ::

Building iBT TOEFL Skills: Beginning CD Set (Audio CD) picГод выпуска:2006 Автор: Adam Worcester, Lark Bowerman, Eric Williamson Издательство: Compass Publishing Формат: MP3 (8СD) + PDF Качество: аудио - 128 kbps, книга - OCR Описание: These CDs (8 discs) accompany the Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT Student Book. The recordings include over 120 sample conversations and lectures, as well as over 40 sample responses for speaking tasks. CDs 1 to 4 cover the exercises and review tasks from the listening section; CDs 5 and 6 include the recordings and sample responses from the integrated speaking section; CD 7 contains recordings necessary for the integrated writing section; and CD 8 contains the recordings for the listening, speaking and writing sections of the practice test. В книге представлены все диалоги в текстовом виде и ответы на упражения. Уровень подготовки- beginning. Доп. информация: Существует еще книга с грамматикой и тестами, ответы на которые есть в предоставленной мною книге. Но вот ее то мне найти не удалось. Если у кого имеется, то выкладывайте. Будет полный комплект: аудио диски+упражения+ответы и диалоги Из той же серии, но с повышенным уровнем сложности: Developing iBT TOEFL Skills - (intermediate) Mastering iBT TOEFL Skills - (advanced) Торрент перезалит т.к. на 8 диске были проблемы с 8 треком