public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag artwork

27 July 2009 05:45

24 July 2009 16:00

24 July 2009 15:30

25 September 2008 20:00

25 September 2008 19:15

De olho no Intrepid

O planejamento oficial do tema do Intrepid já esta aberto a comunidade para receber opiniões e propostas de temas. É hora da nossa vingança por não terem feito grandes mudanças na aparência do Hardy Heron ! Só existem por enquanto dois temas na página do projeto, vamos dar uma olhada neles ...

25 September 2008 19:00

16 August 2008 13:45

16 August 2008 10:30

16 August 2008 10:15

Xubuntu Artwork - Ubuntu Wiki

The next release of Xubuntu is code named Hardy Heron and the specifications we are working on for this release can be found on launchpad (look for specs marked approved). Xubuntu deserves the same respect as Ubuntu, so we should work just as hard here as well!

15 February 2008 16:45

Turn a digital photo into Polaroid with GIMP

Related Content: * Graphics Tutorials * Fedora stuff and artwork * stuff and artwork * Clipart * Playing Cards * Cartoons * People Faces * Pin-ups

11 February 2008 08:30