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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags artwork & "icons gnome"

27 July 2009 08:00

27 July 2009 07:00

27 July 2009 06:00

PPA for Ubuntuxer

Repository disk usage: * 4 source packages (35.8 MiB) * 4 binary packages (36.1 MiB) * Estimated repository size: 72.0 MiB (7.03%) of 1.0 GiB Build dependencies: Signing key: 1024R/53878C1F (What is this?) Install packages: Copy the lines below and add them to your system's software sources. (Read about installing)


- - Content . - Fans . Violetman Ubuntu Icons mikeTheScientist mikeTheScien tist - Mike TheScientist last visit Dec 4 2008 0 friends 0 groups other contents send a message add as friend more info - - Violetman zoom Violetman zoom Violetman zoom Downloads: 462 Submitted: Jul 6 2008 Score: score56V%score 56% good bad good Description: Violetman is meant to be an uncreative drop-in violet replacement for the default Human themes in Ubuntu 8.04 for those wishing for another color option but enjoy the human style. Based on the packages available in Ubuntu 8.04, I include three gtk-theme options (Violetman, Violetman-Clearlooks, Violetman-Murrine). Also included is a set of matching violet human style icons, backgrounds, gdm-themes, and a usplash-theme. I've constructed these themes by color remixing the default files with Perl scripts. So I could in principle extend this batch of files to include other system files or other colors should there be interest in such things. I've posted other versions in a variety of colors. See all postings at: Based on the Hardy packages: - human-icon-theme v0.28 - human-theme v0.18 - ubuntu-gdm-theme v0.29 - ubuntu-wallpapers v0.25 - usplash-theme-ubuntu v0.18 Recommended login background color (r,g,b) = (169,113,197)

27 July 2009 05:00

Mashup Five

Description: Mashup is a revolution in quality icons derived from various sources, like a mix tape. The collection is aesthetic and designed to be professional, functional, balanced, and diverse. Its the first icon set to have built in use of the theme menu for custom usage. Just choose the Mashup 1-5 set you want to use. Includes a mix of my custom icons & code, Aero, Oxygen, Glass, and Crystal icons. Features: * Five distinct available folder variations and customisations. * Change your theme with the Appearance Menu. * Contains Gnomes full range of Apps & Actions. * Up to date with cutting edge icons. * Compatible with Gnome 2.0 releases. License: Creative Commons No Derivatives - Free to use and copy unmodified, may not modify or redistribute any portion therein. Any pictures or photography are not to be used. The name Mashup is registered ® to Billy Butler 2009. Follow my Twitter - jesterthejedi