public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag ajax

21 June 2009 09:00

20 September 2008 09:30

02 February 2008 07:00

01 December 2007 06:30

Aprex : Home | Faça a internet trabalhar para você - Contatos, Calendário, Tarefas, Disco Virtual, Email Marketing, Apresentações e muito mais para Pequenas e Médias Empresas

Contatos e calendário pelo computador e celular E-mail marketing fácil e eficiente para seu negócio Ferramentas para trabalho em grupo e organização pessoa infoexame de novembro de 2007 #261 p.31 Escritório a caminho da web APREX THINKFREE

01 June 2007 08:15

s o l u t o i r e . c o m - ajax resources

by 46 others
annuaire de ressouces AJAX : huge !

14 November 2006 05:00 Project details for Zimbra Collaboration Suite

About: Zimbra is a server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration (email, group calendar, contacts, etc). It features a browser-based AJAX client with search, shared calendar, and mail that is integrated with contacts and calendar, and support for Outlook, iCal,, contacts, and offline mode. Administrators benefit from online move, back-up, and recovery of individual or groups of mailboxes, compatibility with existing LDAP directories., native hierarchical storage management and clustering, Web services integration with existing enterprise applications, and integrated anti-spam and anti-virus

24 July 2006 01:45

24 July 2006 00:45

21 July 2006 04:45