public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags uml & rup


Software Engineering Best Practices: Lessons from Successful Projects in the Top Companies Book Review

This is one of those books that should be read by every person with a relationship to IT. Testers, CIOs, CFOs, developers, architects, project managers, and agilists will benefit from this book. I highly recommend reading it. You will come out the back end of it with a complete new perspective on Software Engineering.

.NET Architecture and Development Book Recommendations for 2012

Another year has gone by. Happy New Year everyone. It is time to update my book recommendation blog. There have been a ton of books come out this year both good and bad.


Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond (2nd Edition) Book Review

This book is the bible of documenting software architectures. It is a mandatory read for all software architects.


The Process of Software Architecting Book Review

If you are involved in software development in anyway, you should read this book. It is the story of how it is supposed to be.

Architecting Software Intensive Systems: A Practitioners Guide Book Review

This book does an excellent job of introducing the reader to the soft skills needed to succeed as a software architect.....


Visual Development Case UML Profile for SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA)

This Visual Development Case UML Profile for SPARX Enterprise Architect is intended to make creating a development case easier and more of a visual process.