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PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags programming & management


Are you a .NET development shop, or a Microsoft development shop?

I am not sure if the market has clearly stated that there is a difference between being a Microsoft shop and a .NET shop. I watch a lot of places try to decide which way to go without realizing they are actually making the choice.

Free Software Engineering Institute Webinar Serves as Software Architecture Primer

The Software Engineering Institute is doing a free webinar on Software Architecture. It is on Thursday, July 8, at 1 p.m. EDT.

SOA with .NET and Windows Azure Book Review

This book is a must have for anyone that wants to know what Microsoft technologies have to offer to accomplish Service Oriented Architecture.

Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010 Book Review

This is a pretty sweet book. There are a ton of features in Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010. This book does a great job of covering all of them that are related to Application Lifecycle Management.


Sticking it to the Man, Our Day will Come

As I look out across the industry at what companies are doing to employees, at least in IT, what I see disgusted me. Many companies are not refusing to pay because they can’t; they are refusing to pay because they want to take advantage of the current economy. Fear is holding employees prisoner to job conditions they normally would have never seen.

Technical Interviews and Interviewers that Suck and how to Avoid Them

Over the past 6 to 9 months I have interviewed with quite a few companies. The current economy has created a few new breeds of interviewer, breeds our field could do without.....

The Process of Software Architecting Book Review

If you are involved in software development in anyway, you should read this book. It is the story of how it is supposed to be.

Favorite Sayings of State Government Managers and the Interpretations

I recently resigned from my state position. Not wanting to waste any of the valuable lessons I learned there, I thought I would impart them to the rest of the world.

Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications Book Review

This is not for the happy go lucky requirements gatherer. It is a detailed breakdown of everything requirements engineering for software intensive systems. It will make you think.


Environmental Constraints, Business Requirements, and Implementation Details

Environmental constraints often play a big part in an application's architecture. Although we like to pretend the slate is wide open with possibilities for implementing users requests, it would be naïve to ignore the technical, political, and user environment constraints always present on any decent size project....

Living for Hope in Fear of the F Bomb

Einstein said it: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

Service-Oriented Architectures and Software Product Lines

SEI has published a new report titled "Proceedings of the First Workshop on Service-Oriented Architectures and Product Lines". It discusses the commonalities and the differences with service-oriented architecture (SOA) and software product line (SPL) approaches.

Models for Evaluating and Improving Architecture Competence

SEI has released a new paper titled Models for Evaluating and Improving Architecture Competence.

Cool Links IV- .NET 3.5, Architecture, AJAX, UML, EPF, Patterns, GOF, VSTS 2008, WPF, Silverlight, SQL 2008, XAML

This is the fourth installment of cool links. It includes links on .NET 3.5, Architecture, AJAX, UML, EPF, Patterns, GOF, VSTS 2008, WPF, Silverlight, SQL 2008, XAML, SPARX EA, Visio, Seam Carving, New Books, FXCop, etc.

The Customer is not Always Right and Death to the YES Man (Workaholic)

I don't care how many times I hear it, how many authors print it, and how many salesmen preach it, the customer is not always right.

The delusions of an unreal deadline and its deliverables.

Using deadlines as an excuse to skip doing proper architecture and design is just that, an excuse. It is not a reason.

Proof of Concept your Developers

With the rapid speed at which technology is changing I have found only one way to ensure it works as advertised, Proof of Concepts. The same holds true of your development team when you have no history with them. With the rapidly changing skill sets out there today, there is only one way to ensure your team has what it takes, Proof of Concepts (POC).


Synthesis-Based Software Architecture Design

This is a very good thesis on Synthesis-Based Software Architecture Design. I have pasted the Chapter titles and the abstract from the paper below.

What do Project Managers, Software Architects, and Software Process Engineers have in common? Some say? Unnecessary Overhead

Software Process Engineers, sometimes called Software Process Architects, are now in the same boat the Project Manager and Software Architect was in a few years ago. They are seen as a good selling point, but that is about it.

COTS and Reusable Software Management Planning: A Template for Life-Cycle Management

SEI has released COTS and Reusable Software Management Planning: A Template for Life-Cycle Management.