public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tag process

April 2008

Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) Guidance Available

Microsoft is making the details of the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) process generally available online for the first time.

The Personal Software Process (PSP) Body of Knowledge Version 1.0

Get the Personal Software Process (PSP) Body of Knowledge Version 1.0.

Emergent Design: The Evolutionary Nature of Professional Software Development Book Review

This book is a gold mine of wisdom. This book contains a ton of wisdom that has come out of the software engineering field over the years. It brings together a lot of software development best practices that can be found in other resources and puts them together under the umbrella of Emergent Design.

March 2008

Has Microsoft Implemented the Software Factory? I think not.

What I have seen come out of patterns and practices are not software factories as prescribed by the initial movement.

February 2008

Visual Development Case UML Profile for SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA)

This Visual Development Case UML Profile for SPARX Enterprise Architect is intended to make creating a development case easier and more of a visual process.

January 2008

Software Process Dynamics Book Review

The book doesn't claim to be the next silver bullet, but it does do a great job of putting all the silver bullets to come about over the past several years in their place. It offers a refreshing realistic view on the state of software processes, and then moves into how to capture their essence with simulation software and system dynamics.

Web Application Extension (WAE) ASPX Patterns for SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA)

We have added a new download to the Software Process Engineering site. WAE ASPX Patterns. They are UML patterns created using SPARX Enterprise Architect (EA) and they are indented to be used with the Web Application Extension (WAE) UML Profile.

Moving Up the CMMI Capability and Maturity Levels Using Simulation

My team is currently in the process of purchasing simulation software for use with process engineering. This paper's release was perfect timing for us to show what we are trying to achieve with the new software.

The Customer is not Always Right and Death to the YES Man (Workaholic)

I don't care how many times I hear it, how many authors print it, and how many salesmen preach it, the customer is not always right.

The delusions of an unreal deadline and its deliverables.

Using deadlines as an excuse to skip doing proper architecture and design is just that, an excuse. It is not a reason.

Framework Engineering Video: Architecting, Designing, and Developing Reusable Libraries

This session covers the main aspects of reusable library design: API design, architecture, and general framework engineering processes. Well-designed APIs are critical to the success of reusable libraries, but there are other aspects of framework development that are equally important, yet not widely covered in literature. Organizations creating reusable libraries often struggle with the process of managing dependencies, compatibility, and other design processes so critical to the success of modern frameworks. Come to this session and learn about how Microsoft creates its frameworks. The session is based on experiences from the development of the .NET Framework and Silverlight, and will cover processes Microsoft uses in the development of managed frameworks.

Proof of Concept your Developers

With the rapid speed at which technology is changing I have found only one way to ensure it works as advertised, Proof of Concepts. The same holds true of your development team when you have no history with them. With the rapidly changing skill sets out there today, there is only one way to ensure your team has what it takes, Proof of Concepts (POC).

December 2007

Eclipse Process Framework Process Mapping UML Profile for SPARX EA

This is a new UML Profile used to map and plan the contents of a custom built Eclipse Process Framework Plug-in.

New Real World Software Process Engineering Web Site

The new blog category "Software Process Engineering" on this blog site is dedicated to news and updates that take place on our new web site "Real World Software Process Engineering".

Synthesis-Based Software Architecture Design

This is a very good thesis on Synthesis-Based Software Architecture Design. I have pasted the Chapter titles and the abstract from the paper below.

Documenting Software Architectures: 4+1, Views and Beyond, Viewpoints and Perspectives, and Book Links

Links to info on The 4+1 View Model of Software Architecture, Views and Beyond, Viewpoints and Perspectives, and Books.

Software Architecture Links: ABC, QAWs, ADD, ATAM, CBAM, ARID, and Books

Links to info on The Architecture Business Cycle, Software Architecture Life-Cycle Integration, Quality Attribute Workshops, Attribute-Driven Design (ADD), Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM), Cost-Benefit Analysis Method (CBAM), and ARID

November 2007

Software Architecture Documentation in the Real World

Markus Völter has put together a nice slide deck on Software Architecture Documentation in the Real World.

Software Engineering Radio- Podcast for Software Developers

If you haven't checked out Software Engineering Radio lately, you may want to. There are some pretty cool episodes available.

October 2007

Microsoft SOA and Business Process Website and Oslo

Microsoft launched an official Microsoft SOA and Business Process Website.

What do Project Managers, Software Architects, and Software Process Engineers have in common? Some say? Unnecessary Overhead

Software Process Engineers, sometimes called Software Process Architects, are now in the same boat the Project Manager and Software Architect was in a few years ago. They are seen as a good selling point, but that is about it.

COTS and Reusable Software Management Planning: A Template for Life-Cycle Management

SEI has released COTS and Reusable Software Management Planning: A Template for Life-Cycle Management.

Sparx Systems releases MDG Technology for Zachman Framework beta

This latest addition to the MDG Technology series underpins the organizational viewpoints and structures of the Zachman Framework with great depth, breadth and modeling integrity.

Mandamagement and Division of Labor

In the situation that happened sometime ago with a project manager that did not know when to stop, and let the people who do architecture and development take over, there was a lot of Mandamagement done. It was to the point where I had to exercise my belief that sometimes the best thing for a project is for me to leave it.

Implementing the IBM Rational Unified Process and Solutions Book Review

This book is a must have for anyone implementing the RUP. It hits on a lot of key pieces of the puzzle that go far beyond the configuration of process material and process instancing.