public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags process & ProjectManagement


Free Software Engineering Institute Webinar Serves as Software Architecture Primer

The Software Engineering Institute is doing a free webinar on Software Architecture. It is on Thursday, July 8, at 1 p.m. EDT.

Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2010 Book Review

This is a pretty sweet book. There are a ton of features in Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010. This book does a great job of covering all of them that are related to Application Lifecycle Management.

Applied Software Product Line Engineering Book Review

The authors of this book represent an all-star lineup of the best of the best in the Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) field. They do a great job of providing a snapshot of the current SPLE best practices in the industry today....


New Webinar Series on Software Product Lines has started

The first in a series of 3 Webinars on Software Product Lines is available to watch on line.

The Process of Software Architecting Book Review

If you are involved in software development in anyway, you should read this book. It is the story of how it is supposed to be.

Thinking in Systems Book Review

I recommend this book to anyone that wants a little more logic in their thought life. I really does put a new perspective on things.

Enterprise Architect 7.5 beta 1 Available

This major release includes a huge number of new features, enhancements and performance boosters. In addition, three new Enterprise Architect editions featuring advanced code generation from executable UML models, bundled tools and technology frameworks provide a powerful, cost-effective solution for advanced business, systems and software development.....

Architecting Software Intensive Systems: A Practitioners Guide Book Review

This book does an excellent job of introducing the reader to the soft skills needed to succeed as a software architect.....


Environmental Constraints, Business Requirements, and Implementation Details

Environmental constraints often play a big part in an application's architecture. Although we like to pretend the slate is wide open with possibilities for implementing users requests, it would be naïve to ignore the technical, political, and user environment constraints always present on any decent size project....

Living for Hope in Fear of the F Bomb

Einstein said it: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) 4.0 Released

MOF 4.0 is practical guidance for IT organizations contained in a set of 23 documents. With this release, MOF now reflects a single, comprehensive IT service lifecycle—it helps IT professionals connect service management principles to everyday IT tasks and activities and ensures alignment between IT and the business.

The delusions of an unreal deadline and its deliverables.

Using deadlines as an excuse to skip doing proper architecture and design is just that, an excuse. It is not a reason.


Microsoft Office Visio 2007 WBS Modeler

Although I never use Visio anymore, I found this tool pretty cool. It adds a new dimension to those giant project plans my project managers like to create.