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PUBLIC MARKS from sylvainulg with tag music



prenez 7 ou 8 endives, chez nous on dit "des chicons" ... mais n'oubliez pas la noix de muscade Love Over Gold: Dire Straits: Music

the Dire Straits album featuring "industrial disease" which i used to own on K7.

subatomicglue - MidiboxSID work log

A C64 modded into a 8-channel midi device that plays SIDs ;)

Ubuntu -- Details of package vorbisgain in gutsy

petit outil sympa pour ajuster le volume de mes .ogg au bureau (en particulier les conversion de musiques de jeux :P)


an intriguing (new) digital music instrument ... I'm sure JMJ would have loved that ...

Bilou HomeBrew's Blog: modplayer

I'm starting a serie of articles on extending 0xtob's XM module player on the nintendo DS with more effects. -- Une petite série d'articles où j'ajoute le support de différents effets (portamento, vibrato, tempo/speed, etc.) à la bibliothèque libntxm sur nintendo DS

YouTube - 1 channel Impulse Tracker tune

a single track, full song. CJ must see that ^_^

Basket Island Demo: 1 & 2 · By Syndrome (and Amiga Dream)

whoohoo. Le fameux jeu "Basket Island" de Syndrome avec les musiques de Maf !


[[kahvi collective audio sculptors - 2k V] V2.1

I'm fond of mosaik's work for years now. I loved sattelites and "fall equals winter". While so far i'm a bit missing the 'vocal' side in this album, mosaik has remained true to the soft-electro pace that makes his tunes soo enjoyable on a sofa with soft light and eyes closed...

°°°Anaïs H -le site officiel-°°°

une chanteuse hors pair qui fait des débuts intéressants

Le blog de CyborgJeff

by 1 other
sa musique, ses passions, sa vie. et plus si affinités

Malvineous' Sound/Music File Utilities

dosbox adlib capture towards .IMF (ID music file) and MIDI

Welcome to Kirby's Rainbow Resort!

a must for the musician. All kirby songs as classical music sheets!

Amiga Music Preservation - Yannis Brown - Interview

the guy who wrote "blubbiest places" at the mike ^_^

Zelda Reorchestrated » Listen

by 2 others
Les musiques de zelda -- pour plus tard.


NitroTracker - A Fasttracker II style tracker for the Nintendo DS.

a soundtracker for the nintendoDS ... i have to ask tobw how he actually managed to save files on SD card, whether he used a library, etc.