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PUBLIC MARKS from sylvainulg with tag linux


unionfs-fuse(8) - Linux man page

could that be the solution to allow each student to update his own copy of the VM image ?


Transfer only selected file types with rsync | Open Source Technical Blog

find source -name "*.png" -print0 | rsync -av --files-from=- --from0 ./ ./destination/ or rsync -av --include='*/' --include='*.png' --exclude='*' source/ destination/

NetworkManager - ArchWiki

dispatcher.d -- scripts here will be run alphabetically after a interface gets up/down. You could add one that overrides/completes resolv.conf, for instance ;)

chmc | Free Development software downloads at

chm document generation by doxygen doesn't work out-of-the-box : it needs a .chm compiler. This could be an interesting alternative to the use of (MS) hhc.exe over wine

less (Unix) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

less is more ... likely one of the Unix tools I use the most


Configure Digital Pen on Linux - LINUX For You

so it might work, although the device is not quite the same...

Cannot browse bluetooth device (Page 1) / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums

forget about bluetooth-applet ... install blueman and launch blueman-applet.

fail2ban and iptables < System | The Art of Web

bored of dictionnary attacks on your SSH daemon ?

c - How to debug a multithreaded hung process in Linux? - Stack Overflow

we used echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger, which logs the stack of all the running process in /var/log/messages.

Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) overview

copying an existing initrd file, using cpio commands as described in linux/Documentation/initrd.txt might not always be sufficient...

Bug #192176 in hplip (Debian): “Scanner output always JPEG compressed”

Xsane will apply JPEG compression unless you manually turn it off in your ~/.sane/xsane/($scanner).drc file

Perle fraîche - Linux Attitude

Un chouette bouquin pour exploiter au mieux le CPAN, donc, dirait-on.

Inkscape tutorial: Vectorisation

tout simplement fantastique.


/usr/bin/cal changelog

since the upgrade to lucid lynx, my computer throws "cal: option requires an argument -- 'm'" at me when I invoke "cal -m" to specify I'd love to have the week starting on monday. ""Proper" honoring of LC_TIME mixing it with command line options" says the changelog. I spot that those LC_* settings are actually pointing the library towards a data chunk located in /usr/lib/locale/&lt;language setting, e.g. en_DK.utf8&gt;/&lt;subset, e.g. LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY, etc.&gt;

Thunderbird date-format problem

export LC_TIME=en_GB is what you need to keep your C locale, but have day/month/year date format. You can even directly set it in /usr/lib/thunderbird-x.y.z/ to avoid messing up with other programs.

[SOLVED] Failed to load module "" - Ubuntu Forums

If you ever wondered, things independent from your actual window manager / desktop environment are stored in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/*

Customizing your shell prompt

by 1 other (via)
set prompt='%{\033[1;33m%}%C2%{\033[0m%}%# '