public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sutekidane with tags web & standards

February 2007

X/HTML 5 Versus XHTML 2

by 7 others
The competition to become the next markup language for the Web is heating up. This article takes a look at what's cool and what's uncool about the competing technologies.

May 2005

Alsacreations blog

by 16 others (via)
Blog Alsacréations : élucubrations XHTML, CSS et Standards Web

sutekidane's TAGS related to tag web

2.0 +   ajax +   apache +   background +   blog +   caricature +   css +   css2 +   deisgn +   design +   dev +   drag and drop +   ergonomie +   framework +   generator +   google +   hébergement +   html +   javascript +   jQuery +   microformats +   network +   online +   photo +   photoshop +   php +   poo +   script +   service +   share +   simple +   slide +   sémantique +   standards +   storage +   svg +   tutorial +   tutoriel +   tutoriels +   w3c +   WAI +   web 2.0 +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   xhtml +