public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sunny with tag php


by 4 others
" is netvibes' website dedicated to its Open Source projects. By giving away our technology, we hope to foster innovations in the widget and personal-page space, and launch a discussion about their wide implementation."


CakePHP : the rapid development php framework

by 22 others
Rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC.

Ning Screencast

by 1 other
"Make your web application from scratch in less than 10 minutes"

Code Igniter

by 20 others
Code Igniter is an Open Source Web Application Framework that makes writing kick-ass PHP programs simple as apple pie

Red Alt

by 7 others
Wordpress plugins and more


by 8 others
Un simple manageur de newsletter double-opt-in en php (GPL)

OPML Sampling: Build a Page Showing the “Best” Item From Each RSS Feed-- The Glass is Too Big - J Wynia

by 3 others
Script qui prends ton opml de fils rss et qui te fais une liste des meilleurs articles d'après leur nombre de liens qui pointent vers eux. Pfiou.



phpMyAdahas is a fully customizable online survey application built on XHTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL

Photo Matt » Subversioning WordPress Upgrades

Script php pour mettre à jour wordpress sur plein de sites sur le même serveur en utilisant svn

MiniGal v2

by 1 other
Script de gallerie en ligne en php petit et rapide