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PUBLIC MARKS from stan with tag svg




NETAGIS - Accueil

by 1 other (via)
Société indépendante française créée en 2001, NETAGIS a développé un savoir faire reconnu dans la mise en oeuvre de solutions de gestion de l'information géographique par l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de communication.

MapViewSVG Web Mapping-Examples

by 1 other
MapViewSVG is an extension for ArcGIS 8.x/9.x or ArcView GIS 3.x by ESRI. It gives you the opportunity to convert maps from ArcView GIS / ArcGIS into the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. You can then use these SVG files to publish them on the Web (Web Mapping) or on CD-ROM. > Making Cross-Viewer SVG Content Development Easier

Making Cross-Viewer SVG Content Development Easier Posted by stelt apropos tools on Tue Aug 1st, 2006 at 16:44:03 BST To ease the development of cross-viewer SVG content I have started the SVG devbar, a collection of handy bookmark(let)s and a non-blank document to start coding SVG with. Both are meant to prevent and pinpoint bugs in your code and work around viewer shortcomings. Though this combination has a few very simple but handy functions already, it is in its very early stages. Several planned features are not yet implemented. Next to just bookmarklets, it might also grow into a rich Firefox SVG extension for example. Feedback is very welcome (e.g. feature requests, bugreports, offers of help).

webmapper | what the map can be

webmapper is a small cartographic consultancy that focuses on developing and consulting on usable web mapping solutions. The company was founded in early 2005 by Edward Mac Gillavry and is based in Utrecht, the Netherlands.