public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag google


Use Google Spreadsheets as your CMS | Brace Data

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Display your spreadsheet data however you like right on your static site.

Web Starter Kit

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Your starting point for building great multi-device web experiences

Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Webmasters — Google Developers

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If you're running an AJAX application with content that you'd like to appear in search results, we have a new process that, when implemented, can help Google (and potentially other search engines) crawl and index your content. Historically, AJAX applications have been difficult for search engines to process because AJAX content is produced dynamically by the browser and thus not visible to crawlers. While there are existing methods for dealing with this problem, they involve regular manual maintenance to keep the content up-to-date

Google Developers Blog: Google Cloud SQL now Generally Available with an SLA, larger databases up to 500GB, and encryption

Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed MySQL service hosted on Google Cloud Platform, providing a database backbone for applications running on Google App Engine or Google Compute Engine. Today, we are announcing Cloud SQL is generally available (GA), now with: encryption of customer data, a 99.95% uptime SLA, and support for databases up to 500GB in size.

GMap Image Cutter

Includes a template to use the Image Cutter with Google Maps API v3 and fixes a bug with the maximum zoom level in version 1.41.

Create Zoomable Images Using The Google Maps API | Mike Gleason jr's Blog

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Anyways, I'm pleased to show you two samples today: they both let you navigate into an image using the Google Maps engine. I'm also giving up the necessary tools to do it yourself. Enjoy!


Cloud Platform Blog: Google App Engine PHP Runtime now available to everyone

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At Google I/O earlier this year, we added PHP, the fourth language runtime on Google App Engine in Limited Preview. Today we’re moving to Preview, making PHP on App Engine available for everyone immediately. It is no longer necessary to whitelist your application for deployment.

Mozilla reconsidère l'adoption du format WebP

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Initialement boudé par la fondation Mozilla, le nouveau format d'image libre WebP dévoilé par Google en 2010 pourrait faire son apparition au sein de Firefox.

AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework

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HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.


Google Cloud SQL

Run mySQL databases in Google's cloud. Use a fully managed service to maintain and administer your databases, so you can focus more on building your applications and worry less about database management.

JavaScript Reference - Google Feed API - Google Feed API — Google Developers

With the Feed API, you can download any public Atom, RSS, or Media RSS feed using only JavaScript, so you can easily mash up feeds with your content and other APIs like the Google Maps API.

Google Currents

by 1 other
Favorite publications, tuned for your tablet and smartphone


Google Indexes Facebook Comments on Websites

This was later confirmed by Matt Cutts - "Googlebot keeps getting smarter. Now has the ability to execute AJAX/JavaScript to index some dynamic comments." Googlebots, or the spiders that crawl web pages, are now reading Facebook comments on websites just like any other text content and the more interesting part is that you can also search the text of these comments using regular Google search.

GoMo: An Initiative From Google

Millions more people are using mobile devices to get online every day. Does your business have a mobile-friendly site? If not—or if you're not sure—you've come to the right place to get started.

De Google Plus à un nouveau design général – : toute l'actualité Google

Tous les services google changent suite au lancement de Google Plus

Google lance Google plus – : toute l'actualité Google

Aujourd’hui Google lance Google Plus, un nouveau service social de partage de liens et autres vidéos en concurrence directe avec Facebook. Quelques éléments de ce nouveau service semblent vraiment novateurs comme « Cercles » ou encore le chat vidéo multiple.

Google Swiffy

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Swiffy converts Flash SWF files to HTML5, allowing you to reuse Flash content on devices without a Flash player (such as iPhones and iPads).

Le projet Google+ : partagez le Web comme vous le vivez

Pendant la phase de tests, l'accès au projet Google+ est réservé à un nombre limité d'utilisateurs. Cependant, le projet sera bientôt ouvert à tous. Pour être parmi les premiers informés lorsque Google+ pourra accueillir davantage d'utilisateurs, communiquez-nous votre adresse e-mail.