public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tags blog & widget

April 2008

Splush | Syndication Plug & Push

by 2 others
Splush est un widget d’agrégation de contenu qui vous permet d’afficher directement sur votre site, les flux RSS ou Atom de votre choix. Vous proposez ainsi plus de contenus à vos visiteurs et vous pouvez même rentabiliser votre site en accueillant, si vous le souhaitez, les flux RSS d’annonceurs.

March 2007

Welcome to Netvibes' Developers Network

by 8 others
UWA is the new Netvibes API. Through it, your Netvibes widgets will be available on every widget platforms or blog systems: Netvibes of course, but also Google IG, Apple Dashboard and many more...

December 2006

Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Widget Released

They’ve launched a website widget that displays the how many times that site has been bookmarked in, along with popular tags. We’ve added the widget script below in this post. We may add it permanently to the site as well, in our effort to continue to provide full visibility into TechCrunch statistics.