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PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags texas & austincast

20 July 2006 13:00


by 2 others
KILLER PHP - FOR WEB DESIGNERS A beginners website/course on PHP created for web designers who have little to no programming experience. Where most other PHP tutorials and books assume you know programming (or at least, that's what it seems like ...) kill

SEOmoz Blog | 10 Remarkably Effective Strategies for Driving Traffic

by 1 other
In the last six months, we've been lucky enough to help quite a few companies and websites drive significant traffic to their sites. Many of these campaigns have been constructed around the goal of building search engine rankings, as this is our primary b

Paul's Goals

by 3 others
Tip:Click on a box to add a check. Click next to that check on the empty space to add a second check (add as many as you like). Click on a check to remove it.

The Closet Nerd: My Favorite XP Tweak

Anytime I install a fresh copy of Windows XP or I create a new user there is one thing I do. It's probably the simplest tweak I do, but it's also one of the most effective at speeding up EVERYTHING in Windows. This tweak only cost you 5% of Windows visual

FavIcon from Pics -- how to create a favicon.ico for your website

by 90 others
Would you like to display your own icon on the browser address bar when visitors view or bookmark your web page? Now it's easy to create icons for your web pages with FavIcon from Pics. Simply select a picture, logo or other graphic (of any size/resolutio

BoxCloud: Dead Simple File Sharing

by 10 others
BoxCloud is a dead simple way for sharing files with people you know. We feel that sharing files today is much harder than it needs to be:

Technorati Blog Finder

by 1 other
The Blog Finder is Technorati's directory of blogs, organized by subject. Type in a category name (or select one) to find blogs on that topic.

Zach Klein

by 3 others
But, I think Eun is right on. We haven't seen it all. And, I appreciate the optimism in contrast to Om Malik's recent article in Business 2.0, The coming Web video shakeout, who posed the question, "Who will survive?" I agree that most of the current 173

A List Apart: A List Apart

by 27 others
A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on designing with standards. Explore our articles or find out more about us.

The Long Tail

Guy Kawasaki, who is one of the best bloggers (and, of course, bestselling author) on business tactics, has a great post of prescriptive advice for people building Long Tail businesses. Here are three of his nine rules, which together make a key point: Lo

SonSpring | Hoverbox Image Gallery

by 16 others
I recently finished reading CSS Mastery, and think I’ve finally got a good understanding of how absolute and relative positioning (fail to) work in Internet Explorer. I have been tinkering with this bit of code since yesterday afternoon, helping out a d

oishii! - ephemeral pheromonal

by 30 others
oishii! One of the main purposes of social bookmarking systems is allowing people to see what other people are bookmarking. I frequently find things that people are linking to very interesting, and thought it would be nice to slap together a system that c

tribes -

tribes 44,940 free, member-created groups for every interest - discussions, photos, listings and more

by 1 other
buzz engine for pop culture and social community


Orkut is an online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends. We are committed to providing an online meeting place where people can socialize, make new acquaintances and find others who share their interests.


by 3 others
About the Music Discovery Engine: Enter an artist name and discover similar music you will enjoy. Each song serves as a departure point from which you can hear and discover an endless stream of music.

Get Rich Slowly

by 7 others
I used to save all of my receipts with a half-assed intention to reconcile them when I got around to it, which usually meant two weeks worth of crumpled, illegible receipts went straight from my pockets to the trash. Not very Lifehacker-y, huh? […] I se : Tools

by 1 other
# Get free stuff for Web design - ok # Using a Background Image Grid to Lay Out Your Web Site | Smiley Cat Web Design - ok # :: Open Source Telephony Project - ok # Seth's Blog: How to live happily with a great designer - ok


Panjea is the first social media network to share the wealth by providing an economy to its members. Panjea is where the world’s creative people come together to make a living from their dreams.

19 July 2006 23:00

Humanized Reader

by 3 others
"What I learned redesigning" by Mark Hurst of Creative Good has buzzword value, because the social book-marking site is usually cited in the same breath as flickr, though far fewer people use it. Well, Hurst came in to put that right... 'Witho

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: How I bank and manage cash

So what do we do here? As a reader, you can expect to read tips on saving money, technology and sites that make life easier, and some DIY for the house. Our information is useful, not filler and we don't post just to appear active.

Geek to Live: Top 10 free and cheap productivity tools - Lifehacker

Getting organized, focused and productive doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. We've reviewed thousands of time-saving applications and gadgets here at Lifehacker over the past year and a half, but a handful of really shine when it comes down to getting

one red paperclip

My name is Kyle MacDonald and I traded one red paperclip for a house. I started with one red paperclip on July 12 2005 and 14 trades later, on July 12, 2006 I will trade with the Town of Kipling Saskatchewan for a house located at 503 Main Street. Feel fr