public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tag technology


About JD Lasica

J.D. Lasica is one of the world's leading authorities on social media and the revolution in user-created media. A writer, strategist, blogger and consultant, he is the co-founder and editorial director of, president of the Social Media Group Silicon Valley Blog

home for early adopters, tech geeks, RSS addicts, and Mac freaks. TiVo, sports, politics. Good daily read.

PR 2.0

Solis blogs at PR2.0,, and regularly contributes PR & tech insight to industry publications. Solis is among the original thought leaders who paved the way for Social Media

CERN creates a new super-fast internet, invites tons of people to a deathmatch - Engadget

Apparently, when CERN isn't colliding particles (and ripping massive holes in the space-time continuum), it's busy working on a new "internet" which will be 10,000 times faster than our current version.

Blog : LOL: The Life of Leo

To begin with we’re going to stream everything we do at TWiT, including the production of all our shows, live and interactive. To that end we’re adding considerable bandwidth: a T1 line and a cable modem to our existing DSL connectivity. We’ll Skype


This may be better than digg at digg's own game. is Coming Soon

NEW YORK, January 16, 2008 - Mansueto Digital President Edward Sussman today announced the launch of FastCompany.TV, a new online video network featuring coverage of bleeding edge technology trends, interviews with leading executives and business people,

Kevin Kelly -- The Technium

by 1 other
There are a number of qualities that can't be copied. Consider "trust." Trust cannot be copied. You can't purchase it. Trust must be earned, over time. It cannot be downloaded.

Geek News Central Technical News and Informational Stories

I found some links today through a round about way that indicates that some podcasters may and I repeat “may” have found a way to game the Podcast Subscription Metric System Apple has.

2007 | Austin High-Tech Online

door64 is all about building an online community of high-tech professionals in Austin, Texas. We're just starting out, but growing each day.

Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters

by 103 others
A million Facebook users have signed up for the "1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T Colbert" group in the last week — though the group could be read as a satire of Barack Obama's similarly-named group, which has fewer than 400,000 members after 9 months.

Somewhat Frank :: web 2.0 ● technology ● life :: blog by Frank Gruber

by 1 other
An intriguing approach that I have recently seen on the rise is the usage of a virtual assistant. This article will look at a few of the current online personal assistant options.

austin 2.0

Austin 2.0 joins people primarily in Austin, TX interested or involved in Web 2.0 technology, companies, or who simply enjoy the Web 2.0 lifestyle.

What If Every Child Had A Laptop?, Lesley Stahl Reports On The Dream And The Difficulties Of Getting A Computer To Every Child - CBS News

he founded a non-profit organization called “One Laptop Per Child.” He recruited a cadre of geeks and viola! The hundred dollar laptop, designed specifically for poor children, was born.

About HTNG

HTNG is a nonprofit organization with global scope, formed in 2002 to facilitate the development of next-generation, customer-centric technologies to better meet the needs of the global hotel community


by 2 others
TechMeme (formerly tech.memeorandum) is a site that bloggers and others check frequently for news. It is an entirely automated web service that looks at what bloggers are talking about, linking to,decides what is news sistss Memeorandum WeSmirch BallBug

How volatile is the Twitter network?: Technology Evangelist

discussion of Leo Laportes questionable departure from twitter to join jaiku

Twitter has the online world talking

What's Paul Terry Walhus Twittering about today? The information technology manager for Jo's Hot Coffee and the Hotel San Jose is "walking around testing various wifi locations on S Congress, Austin L:78704," last we checked. Before that, he was "at hom

wholetech blog

wholetech is a technology company based in Austin, Texas. We provide innovative web solutions using open source content management systems, like Wordpress and Drupal. We’re experts in “pumping up” your site, whether or not we design it. In oth


A look at what's new, what's cool, what's useful on the Internet right now with Amber Macarthur and Leo Laporte