public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags delicious & "springnet blogmarks"

March 2008

Fluid - Free Site Specific Browser for Mac OS X Leopard

by 13 others
Use Fluid to run YouTube, GTalk, Flickr, Basecamp, Delicious, .Mac webmail, or any other WebApp as a separate Mac desktop application.

January 2008

Will We See Delicious 2.0 This Week?

It’s been four and a half months since Yahoo first previewed Delicious 2.0. We’ve heard not a peep from them since as to when it might launch publicly and replace the existing, somewhat dated interface.

December 2007

Submit Multiple URLs to Bookmarks as a Batch at Digital Inspiration

Imagine you have hundreds (or even thousands) of webpage URLs that you want to upload to your account. How would do this bulk submit when the delicious system allows you to bookmark web pages one at a time ?

November 2007

trendalicious v2.0

by 1 other
trendalicious is a real-time ranking of the 100 most popular web pages as reflected by, digg, and reddit. URLs posted to those sites are collected and ranked by their total number of votes or links.

May 2007

50 | Home

by 2 others
We only crawl web sites that were bookmarked or voted for by people, in sites like, digg and reddit.