public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags daily & springnet

February 2008

ScobleShow: Videoblog about geeks, technology, and developers

by 1 other
Larry Hryb is one of Microsoft's most famous bloggers. He works on the Xbox Live team and visited the CES BlogHaus to talk about what he's seeing.

Kevin Kelly -- The Technium

by 1 other
There are a number of qualities that can't be copied. Consider "trust." Trust cannot be copied. You can't purchase it. Trust must be earned, over time. It cannot be downloaded.

January 2008

dooce ®

by 4 others
our panel will be held Sunday, March 9th, if you are in Austin and can spare the mortgage payment it costs to get into the festival. Maggie will be the one speaking coherently, I will be the one trying to distract her by snapping the elastic on her bra.


by 2 others
Nectar With-a-Sting Honey Mustard featured in my V Cuisine cookbook. Of course, I've made other dressings before - the classic vinaigrette, several tofu-based creamy monstrosities - but they don't even come close to the awesome power that is this dressing


by 2 others
Apparently the deal with this card is that you slide it into your iPhone and it somehow magically hardware unlocks your iPhone. I am not an electrical engineer, so I can’t tell you how well this thing will work, but if I had to guess, it won’t.

December 2007

Resources to Make Money Online | TechnoTarget

Review Me pays to review products and services on your site. You control what you review. Submit your site for inclusion into our ReviewMe publisher network. One example of many ways to make money online. *****

SocialPicks: social stock picks & research

Good Ideas By People You Trust SocialPicks is a community where stock investors exchange ideas and track performance.

Web Worker Daily

rebooting the workforce, daily tips on working on the web™ - The Next Big Thing on the Internet is here. You pick it

by 8 others
review 30+ internet startups per working day. Vote for the one you think will be a killer. Vote for eh!

Loic Le Meur Blog

by 3 others
Wew, that Seesmic review is a Christmas gift ! Thank you Bobbie Johnson to consider that Seesmic will be a hit website in 2008 even though we are still building it. | Austin High-Tech Online

door64 is all about building an online community of high-tech professionals in Austin, Texas. We're just starting out, but growing each day.

October 2007

austin 2.0

Austin 2.0 joins people primarily in Austin, TX interested or involved in Web 2.0 technology, companies, or who simply enjoy the Web 2.0 lifestyle.

September 2007

Explore Twitter!

Welcome! We needed a place to experiment and help folks get more out of Twitter. Motorola was cool enough to step up and help us launch Explore. If you haven’t yet, try interacting with Twitter through the devices featured below—and watch this space,

April 2007

Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog

by 29 others
social networking blog with news of the latest developments. Top notch site.

January 2007

OVGuide - Online Video Guide.

by 3 others
ONLINE VIDEO GUIDE ( ) If you've watched all of YouTube's hundred-million-and-counting videos and still have some time to spare, unglue your eyes from the computer monitor, get up, stretch, and then come back and check out this site. Online V

August 2006

July 2006

oishii! - ephemeral pheromonal

by 30 others
oishii! One of the main purposes of social bookmarking systems is allowing people to see what other people are bookmarking. I frequently find things that people are linking to very interesting, and thought it would be nice to slap together a system that c