public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags business & springnet

February 2007 » Tutorial » What is dotherightthing?

On dotherightthing, you can: * Share information that you discover about companies’ impacts on people and the world * Learn about the activities of companies directly from people and rate the impact of the important ones * Track the “socia

January 2007

Small Business Primer on Network Security Threats

As the volume of financial and other data transactions increase over the Internet, the potential for harm from network threats also increases. As a consequence, complex security measures that were once required by only Fortune 500 companies such as regula

December 2006

This is going to be BIG! - 10 Steps to a Hugely Successful Web 2.0 Company

by 8 others
Do you want to make money in your own home? Forget real estate scams, tupperware, or becoming a spammer. Create your own Web 2.0 company NOW!! Its easy. Just follow these 10 simple steps and you, too, can be seen in fine dining establishments like Jam

November 2006

Project Management Source: Memo for Bosses: 101 Ways to Prevent your Office from Hating You

Memo for Bosses: 101 Ways to Prevent your Office from Hating You Your office hates you. Sorry to break the news to you this way, but it's about time you found out. Thankfully, there's reason to hope. In fact, there's 101 reasons. And for those of you who

October 2006

IT|Redux » About IT|Redux

IT|Redux identifies three major trends that are in play today and are expected to remain so over the coming years: Reduction, Interconnection and Delegation. This weblog is organized into categories and sub-categories that mirror this classification, foll

July 2006

Open Letter to Mark Cuban

Paul Terry Walhus takes up Mark's challenge and puts in his bid for a job with the Mavs owner. Paul wants to mashup the Alamo food at movies concept, with wifi touchscreens for ordering food and bling, and toss in a film festival ambience for good measu

Wow - The Challenge was accepted….but - Blog Maverick - _

Shocked and impressed at the response to my Movie Challenge would certainly be understatements. 875 responses, plus hundreds of emails from people who were unable to post to the blog (sorry !) Im am still going through them but wanted to offer some feedba

The Movie Business Challenge - Blog Maverick - _

This is an open challenge. You come up with a solution, you get a job. Seriously. This is the problem that consumes me more than what Free Agent we are going to sign. How to get the NBA to get their act together. Which 7-11 Im going to run by to get a san

A Day in the Life of an Internet Entrepreneur » Entrepreneur’s Journey - by Yaro Starak

by 1 other
In my room I have whiteboard with a task list that I slowly work through as part of my working day after I finish responding to time sensitive emails. Generally I work on a website or do some form of writing, which can be copy for a website, an article fo

If you want to be rich, first stop being so frightened - Sunday Times - Times Online

by 1 other
Five homes. Three estates. Fancy cars. Private jets. (The jets are always rented. If it flies, floats or fornicates, always rent it — it’s cheaper in the long run.) Thousands of acres of land. Art on the walls and libraries stuffed with first editions

Small Business Help - Business Owners Idea Cafe, Small Business Ideas, Information, Networking...

by 1 other
What to Write Off on Your Business Taxes Peter Soh, our CPA biz expert, shares a helping of home-office deduction insights to lighten this year's tax burden. Coffee Talk with Experts.

SiliconBeat: The venture capitalist's Web 2.0 list

by 1 other
Here is a list of all Web 2.0 companies that received venture backing. Download the list here; note the tabs at the bottom, which show all 2005 fundings, and then 2006 Q1. Scroll to right to see the funding amounts, etc. (Hat-tip to PwC for sending it on.

The Long Tail

Guy Kawasaki, who is one of the best bloggers (and, of course, bestselling author) on business tactics, has a great post of prescriptive advice for people building Long Tail businesses. Here are three of his nine rules, which together make a key point: Lo