public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags ***** & ecommerce

03 April 2008

Magento - Home - Open Source eCommerce Evolved

by 29 others
Magento was designed with the notion that each eCommerce implementation has to be unique since no two businesses are alike. Magento's modular architecture puts the control back in the hands of the online merchant and places no constraints on business proc

02 April 2008

Magento - Store Demo - Open Source eCommerce Evolved

In the demo's frontend, explore how a Magento-driven store might look to your customer and test some of the features. Get a feel for it by going through the checkout process, tagging a product or leaving a review.

06 March 2008

Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging - ProBlogger

by 19 others
Here’s a quick AdSense tip that could make you some good money. AdSense offers two rectangle ad unit sizes - 300×250 pixels and 336×280 pixels.

29 February 2008

Using WordPress as CMS | blogHelper

by 2 others
WordPress (WP) has always been a highly versatile blogging platform, even way back in v1.2. So versatile that many have attempted to push it to the next level, and use it as a more conventional content management system (CMS) - not unlike Drupal, XOOPS, J