public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tags "web 2.0" & JSF

May 2009

Streamline web apps with JSF 2 fu

JSF 1 was developed in an ivory tower, and the results, arguably, were less than spectacular. But JSF got one thing right — it let the marketplace come up with lots of real-world innovations. See how with the greatly improved JSF 2.0 you can Get rid of XML, simplify navigation, use Groovy, and take advantage of resource handling to easily implement robust, Ajaxified Web applications.

February 2008

Craft Ajax applications using JSF with CSS

Learn several Web techniques based on the DOM APIs, Ajax, and Cascading Style Sheets. This article shows you how to hide and display optional JSF components without refreshing a Web page, how to implement client-side validation that is executed in the Web browser, and how to develop a custom component that displays help messages for the input elements of a Web form.