public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartkit

August 2008

Games 2 Download

Games 2 Download is quickly becoming one of the Internet's top destinations for free game downloads.

Cryptogram #3

New online puzzle from Smartkit. Do you think can solve the cryptogram?

Puzzle & Board

addicting games

Troops patrolling Italian cities

Italian troops have begun patrolling cities as part of a government campaign to combat crime and boost security.

June 2008

Riddle / Puzzle

But I warn you, don’t do it unless you have some time. Or, you know, are procrastinating papers. Basically, each page is a riddle, and once you figure out the answer to the riddle,

Mannekin Pis: A Picture Riddle/Puzzle

Many of you will remember Gray-T and the colorful comments he used to leave on the site. Haven’t heard from him in a while, but last week he surprised me with this picture riddle/puzzle: (click on picture for high resolution version)

Riddle me this…

This is the first “Riddle me this…” post.


Brad told me a riddle/puzzle about two guards and tiger.

Mystery, problem, enigma, riddle, puzzle

Nosing around the Web while doing Friday's post on dark energy - what should we make of the unknown? -

May 2008

Speaking of Exercising Your Brain Cells...

Another thing that science has proven to keep your brain cells young and healthy is puzzles.

Brain puzzle 2

What is that happens once every minute , twice every moment and yet not in centuries ??

A Brain Teaser: the “Will” to Recover

Anyone who’s tried dieting has been lambasted with the concept of “willpower.” It’s a voice in your head that barks, “don’t eat this and that or you’ll get fat.”

Smartkit Forums

For the rest of this week, and maybe next, all new puzzles will appear in the forums

Train your brain with clever puzzles!

by 3 others
We believe that you came to this braintainment site because you love doing puzzles and brain teasers and that you enjoy wrestling with logic and geometry problems.

Razzle-challenge your brain

While casually surfing the Internet today I stumbled upon an interesting article on neurogenesis (a process where nervous tissue is created) and how our behavior throughout life can affect the rate and amount at which our nervous tissue is produced.

March 2008

The Crafty Puzzles Company For Educational and Adult Fun

The Crafty Puzzle Company is proud to bring you. A selection of Unique Collapsible 3D Wooden Brain Teasers and 3D Jigsaw Puzzles.


Brain Teasers and Math Puzzles


by 3 others
Brain Teasers, Riddles, Trivia, Brain Exercises, Games, Forums and more...

scientific psychic

Puzzles and Brain Teasers to Expand your Mind

Brain Food

by 1 other
Puzzles For the Brain To Gnaw On

February 2008

Mother Thrifty & Daughter Dollie

Mother Thrifty and her daughter Dollie each drive 30 ducks to the market. Mother Thrifty is eager for a trade, and hurries on with her 30, and reaches the market early when ducks are in demand.

December 2007

Word Rhymes

Below you will find 8 clues. The answer to each of these consists of two words that rhyme with each other. The letter lengths for the words are given in parentheses. For example, if the clue were "Obese Feline (3,3)", the answer would be "FAT CAT".