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PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags wordpress & tools

August 2010

WordPress › Query Posts « WordPress Plugins

This plugin creates a widget that lets you display the posts the way you want

WordPress Plugin: User Switching · Ludicrous

lets you easily switch between the multiple users

WordPress › Theme Switch and Preview « WordPress Plugins

it allows you to tweak the template online without breaking stuff for visitors. There is a widget and a shortcode to make switching WordPress design easily.

July 2010

PadPressed- Make Your Wordpress Blog Look Like an iPad App

a WordPress plugin that makes any WordPress blog look like a native iPad app when accessed from iPad. PadPressed bestows upon your humble blog the iPad features we’ve come to know and love such as “swipe to advance” articles, touch navigation, accelerometer positioning and home screen icon support when you’re really jonseing for that authentic app feeling.

WordPress › Rich Text Tags « WordPress Plugins

allows you to edit tag descriptions, category descriptions, and taxonomy descriptions using WordPress' built in rich-text editor

Meteor Slides | Josh Leuze

This plugin makes it simple to manage a slideshow with WordPress by adding a custom post type for slides. The slideshow is powered by jQuery Cycle and has over twenty transition styles to choose from

June 2010

WordPress › WP Multi Network « WordPress Plugins

This plugin is able to turn your multi-site installation of WordPress into many multi-site networks, all surrounding one central user base

WordPress › Post Type Switcher « WordPress Plugins

Have an existing post that you want to change to a different custom post type? Rather than deleting and recreating simply use this plugin that gives you the capability to switch between posts, pages and custom post types.

WordPress › Multiple Post Thumbnails « WordPress Plugins

If you have ever wanted the ability to have more than one post thumbnail than this plugin is for you.

New Signature Labs | WP Easy Post Types | Hack less, publish more! Complex WordPress sites made easy.

by 1 other
Easy Post Types plugin extends WordPress and provides a GUI interface that combines and leverages the power of custom post types, custom taxonomies, and meta tags

WordPress › Custom Post Relationships (CPR) « WordPress Plugins

Most of the “related posts” plugins out there while they provide some kind of control on how to create related posts, they all rely on an algorithm and the results are automatic. With CPR you get total control as you can manually select the posts that you want to relate.

WordPress › Content Sort « WordPress Plugins

This plugin adds a grid under “Posts” in the admin where you can use drag drop to sort posts published on the first page, which gives you more control over posts without having to write complicated custom loops.

WordPress › CMS Tree Page View « WordPress Plugins

Inserts a menu heading under Pages in the backend where you can see a tree-like view of your pages ala Windows Explorer.

WordPress › Content Audit « WordPress Plugins

Create a content inventory where you can mark content as redundant, outdated, trivial, or in need of a review for SEO or style. Requires WordPress 3.0 to function.