public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags wordpress & tools

October 2007

Cforms II |

by 4 others
plugin pour la création de formulaire

September 2007

MyDashboard plugin |

by 1 other
excellent plugin wordpress pour transformer le dashboard en netvibes like

August 2007

vanus cero uno — Corrector |

by 2 others
intégrer le correcteur d'orthographe dans une blog wordpress

July 2007

June 2007

Habari |

by 5 others
Cms inspiré de Wordpress

May 2007

iTheme |

by 4 others
Template Wordpress avec un peu d'ajax

April 2007

WordPress Hide Dashboard Plugin |

by 1 other
Hides the Dashboard from non-Administrators when they login to the WP Control Panel. Non-Administrators are then taken to their Profile page instead.

March 2007

ThinkFree Viewer |

by 2 others
makes it easy for bloggers to easily add ThinkFree or Microsoft Office documents to their blogs by simply attaching the document, spreadsheet, or a presentation to any post they write.

Wp-ajax-newsletter |

Plugin wordpress pour gérer une newsletter automatique en ajax

WYSIWYG Button Manager for WordPress |

by 1 other
Manage the TinyMCE buttons via a nice WordPress admin panel. Can also create multiple button schemes that can be assigned to different users