public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags wordpress & plugin

November 2006

Role Manager |

plugin pour pouvoir facilement éditer les roles des utilisateurs de WordPress

Event Calendar |

by 3 others
Manage future events as an online calendar. Display upcoming events in a dynamic calendar, on a listings page, or as a list in the sidebar. You can subscribe to the calendar from iCal (OSX) or Sunbird.

October 2006

WordPress Comments System built with Yahoo! UI |

by 5 others
commentaires sont rédigés directement à l'intérieur du billet à l'aide de petits repères. Ceci permet de commenter une partie du billet et surtout de pouvoir ventiler les réactions afin de ne pas créer d'effet de saturation

Lazy-K Gallery |

by 1 other
plugin that tries to make creating a photo gallery on a website as easy as possible

WordPress Advanced Search |

by 2 others
provides a Advanced Search form. It uses MySQL fulltext features to provide an intelligent search for WordPress sites. It also offers visitors lots of search options to fine-tune the search.

September 2006

Batch image uploader |

upload any number of images to Wordpress at once. Optionally, they can be resized to fit a maximum height and width

Wordpress SMTP Plugin (Gmail Compatible) |

Give your Wordpress blog some GMAIL TLS SMPT goodness

Post Level |

gérer les posts lisibles selon les droits de l'utilisateur

MailList for Wordpress |

by 1 other
gestion d'une NewsLetter avec un plugin de Wordpress

PHPList Subscriber Form Integration |

intégrer un forumlaire d'inscription à PhpList dans Wordpress

Search Meter |

by 1 other
permets de voir ce que les visiteurs cherche sur un site wordpress

Keyword Tags |

This plugin adds keyword/tagging capabilities to Wordpress and enables advanced options for blogging tools that use the MetaWeblog API, such as Windows Live Writer or Ecto

Top Wordpress Plugins |

by 15 others
liste de plugins intéressants pour wordpress

ImageManager 2.0 |

by 1 other
plugin pour gérer les images sur Wordpress

Themed Login Plugin |

by 1 other
customize the login, registration, and reset password forms

Yet another photoblog |

by 4 others
Plugin Wordpress pour faire un photoblog

Import Users Plugin for WordPress |

add multiple users to their WordPress installation

Web Application Security Podcast and Blog |

by 3 others
podPress is the ultimate WordPress plugin for Podcasters.

Google Analytics and Feedburner Reports plugin for WordPress |

by 4 others
permet de consulter les statistiques de votre blog selon Google Analytics et/ou FeedBurner, le tout directement dans votre console d’administration.

May 2006

ZenPress |

A plugin for Wordpress that enables a bloggers to easily include pictures from a Zenphoto installation on the same server.

March 2006

Lightbox 2 Wordpress Plugin |

plugin that enable you to use lightbox JS script to overlay images on the current page.

February 2006

Gengo |

by 1 other
plugin pour rendre Wordpress multilingue