public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags plugin & wordpress

22 June 2010

WordPress › Multiple Post Thumbnails « WordPress Plugins

If you have ever wanted the ability to have more than one post thumbnail than this plugin is for you.

20 June 2010

New Signature Labs | WP Easy Post Types | Hack less, publish more! Complex WordPress sites made easy.

by 1 other
Easy Post Types plugin extends WordPress and provides a GUI interface that combines and leverages the power of custom post types, custom taxonomies, and meta tags

WordPress › Custom Post Relationships (CPR) « WordPress Plugins

Most of the “related posts” plugins out there while they provide some kind of control on how to create related posts, they all rely on an algorithm and the results are automatic. With CPR you get total control as you can manually select the posts that you want to relate.

16 June 2010

15 June 2010

WordPress › Content Sort « WordPress Plugins

This plugin adds a grid under “Posts” in the admin where you can use drag drop to sort posts published on the first page, which gives you more control over posts without having to write complicated custom loops.

14 June 2010

WordPress › CMS Tree Page View « WordPress Plugins

Inserts a menu heading under Pages in the backend where you can see a tree-like view of your pages ala Windows Explorer.

WordPress › Content Audit « WordPress Plugins

Create a content inventory where you can mark content as redundant, outdated, trivial, or in need of a review for SEO or style. Requires WordPress 3.0 to function.

WordPress › Contemplate « WordPress Plugins

Insert custom content in posts, pages, widgets, and comments via a shortcode. Handy for managing commonly used blocks of content.

13 June 2010

IDrive Plug-in for Wordpress Online Backup

backup utility, designed specifically to backup Wordpress blog data into your IDrive online backup account. It provides scheduled as well as immediate backup of Wordpress blog data including files and MySQL database dump

Simple Fields « WordPress Plugins

Simple Fields acts as a replacement to custom fields and adds textboxes, text areas, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, and a file browser to the post admin area to make it easier to use. It also adds the ability to group fields together into logical, reusable groups.

03 June 2010

02 June 2010

mitcho > Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

by 1 other
gives you a list of posts and/or pages related to the current entry, introducing the reader to other relevant content on your site

25 May 2010

21 May 2010

WordPress › Uploadify « WordPress Plugins

give your website visitors the ability to upload large files

Announcer |

Easiest & powerful announcement plugin ever made with advanced features like custom css,ID,auto expiry,cookies, cross browser & theme support.

topCollage |

Automatically creates css-based collages using the images attached to the post. The images are clickable or lightbox-able.

Page Layout |

Page Layout allows to define a page layout using widgets.

myEASYhider |

Easily hide parts of your administration page.

Custom Dashboard Help Widget |

Display custom help or other information in the dashboard.

Animated Banners |

Widget and shortcode providing user-managed animated, captioned banners.

WordPress › SM Sticky Featured Widget « WordPress Plugins

widget to post sticky or "featured" posts into any widget area