public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags plugin & wordpress

September 2007

MyDashboard plugin |

by 1 other
excellent plugin wordpress pour transformer le dashboard en netvibes like

August 2007

vanus cero uno — Corrector |

by 2 others
intégrer le correcteur d'orthographe dans une blog wordpress

April 2007

WordPress Hide Dashboard Plugin |

by 1 other
Hides the Dashboard from non-Administrators when they login to the WP Control Panel. Non-Administrators are then taken to their Profile page instead.

March 2007

ThinkFree Viewer |

by 2 others
makes it easy for bloggers to easily add ThinkFree or Microsoft Office documents to their blogs by simply attaching the document, spreadsheet, or a presentation to any post they write.

Wp-ajax-newsletter |

Plugin wordpress pour gérer une newsletter automatique en ajax

WYSIWYG Button Manager for WordPress |

by 1 other
Manage the TinyMCE buttons via a nice WordPress admin panel. Can also create multiple button schemes that can be assigned to different users

Enquiry/Contact Form |

by 1 other
Plugin wordpress pour créer facilement des formulaires

February 2007

Wordpress Download Monitor Plugin |

to handle uploading, links, and to monitor download hits

Sitewide Feed |

Plugin Wordpress MU pour créer un flux rss des flux de tous les blogs

wordTube |

Player multimedia à insérer dans un site wordpress

January 2007

Pagebar |

by 2 others
Adds a nice page bar for selecting indivual pages instead of just the previous or next page pour Wordpress

WPMU Site Shutdown | IT

plugin wordpressmu pour mettre en veille un site ou plusieurs

Wordpress Plugin: ClassyBody |

by 1 other
Add a class to the body tag of your Wordpress blog depending on various parameters such as single page, page, post, category etc.

December 2006

Custom Admin Menu for Wordpress |

by 1 other
gives you full control of your Wordpress administration section, without requiring any changes to any files

Inline Gallery |

by 1 other
Simple and flexible image gallery plugin, it integrates into the WP 2.0 visual editor toolbar, supports nested galleries,XMP/IPTC captions, output is customizable with templates

November 2006

AXS and Wordpress Integration Plugin |

by 1 other
free script to track hits to your webpage and present them in usable graphs. This Wordpress plugin allows you to easily integrate it with your Wordpress installation.

Availability Calendar |

by 1 other
property booking management functionality to the administration area of Wordpress and can output a fully customisable availability calendar.

Subscribe2 |

plugin wordpress pour permettre aux visiteurs de s'enregistrer pour recevoir les updates du site

Filled In Plugin |

Filled In is a generic form processing plugin that will validate and store data submitted through forms.

User Permissions Plugin |

by 1 other
allows you to assign permissions to specific posts that allow or deny certain users and roles.

Clutter Free |

by 2 others
plugin that lets you hide portions of the WordPress posting interface that you rarely (or never) use. Instead of being minimized (and still taking up room), they’ll be completely invisible.