public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from simon_bricolo with tags plugin & wordpress

August 2009

Page Restrict |

This wordpress plugin will allow you to restrict all, none, or certain pages to logged in users only.

WordPress › Upload+ « WordPress Plugins

Plugin wordpress pour ajouter des fonctionnalités à l'option d'upload

Kadom Ads Management |

Wordpress plugin that allow you to manage your banner ads on your blog. You can easily add several ad zones in your sidebar with widgets and on the rest of your blog with a simple PHP function.

July 2009

SEO Smart Links

can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog

AdRotate |

Wordpress plugin that lets you manage banner ads (even for multiple sizes and different placement)

Who Sees Ads ? Manage your Ads, Control Who Sees Them |

by 1 other
Plugin wordpress: Control which visitors see ads on your website, based on where they came from, whether they’re logged in, how old the post is and more.

June 2009

Post Corrector Plugin |

Plugin wordpress intégrer industriellement des noms de catégories simplement en copiant/collant leur nom dans la boite de dialogue

The “Simple Video Embedder” WordPress Plugin |

Easily embed video within your posts. Adds a widget to the posting screen that enables you to post videos by simply providing the URL to the video hosted on common video sharing websites.

May 2009

Powerpress |

Plugin wordpress pour la gestion de podcast

April 2009

Wordpress Download Monitor 3 |

wordpress plugin for uploading and managing downloads, tracking download hits, and displaying links

February 2009

All in One Video Pack « WordPress Plugins|

incroyable plugin pour gérer/éditer les vidéos sur son wordpress

Store Locator Plugin for Wordpress |

This is a store locator / location finder plugin that provides mapping tools for web designers & developers who create sites in WordPress & web site owners who need to show store locations or any set of locations on their website(s). Uses Google Maps.

January 2009

Improving The Web » Improved Plugin Installation |

Improved Plugin Installation is an improvement to the current wordpress 2.7 plugin installation methods. It allows you to install one or more plugins simply by typing the names of the plugins or the download URLs. This means you can install all your favorite wordpress plugins in one go!

December 2008

November 2008

CMS Navigation Plugin |

plugin wordpress pour mieux gérer les pages et l'arborescence dans wordpress

MobilePress - Enable The Mobile Web |

by 1 other
plugin Wordpress vous permettant d’avoir un thème spécifique dédié aux visiteurs provenant d’un Iphone, d’un appreil équipé de Windows Mobile ou encore d’Opéra Mini.

May 2008

WPlite |

plugin wordpress pour cleaner l'interface d'admin

QuickPost Wordpress Plugin |

Inspired by the's bookmarklet which allows users to quickly and easily post to their Tumblr blog, This plugin allows you to quickly post text, images, photos, quotes, and videos to your Wordpress implementation. Annotated link http://www.diigo

Simple CMS WordPress Plugin |

The Simple CMS WordPress plugin converts the WordPress blog tool into a basic CMS (Content Management System). Simple CMS removes all of the complicated blogging functionality which is not needed for a basic static website. This allows for easier use of t

March 2008

Photo Dropper Flickr Wordpress Plugin |

Plugin wordpress pour insérer des images flickr depuis l'édition d'un post

January 2008

Wp-page-linker |

plugin that allows the insertion of links to internal pages while writing a page or a post

Amazon S3 plugin for WordPress |

by 2 others
Plugin pour utiliser Amazon S3 comme stockage de fichiers sur un blog wordpress

November 2007

WP Ajax Edit Comments |

by 2 others
plugin wordpress pour permettre au visiteur d'éditer un commentaire posté

October 2007

Cforms II |

by 4 others
plugin pour la création de formulaire