01 January 1970 01:00
macosxhints - How to securely control another Mac over the internet
by 1 otherThe idea is to be able to remotely view and, if needed, control another Mac to help teach a new Mac user how to do something or fix their problem.
stocksy.co.uk: SSH on Mac OS X
SSH is a secure way to connect to your Mac over un-trusted networks, such as the Internet. At it`s most basic level, it allows you to log into a Mac remotely using the terminal using the sshd and ssh programs. You must enable the SSH service on the Mac you want to log in to
BeginnersGuide - Slim Devices : Community : Wiki
Details on configuring your firewall depends on the specific firewall you use, but the idea is always the same - allow SlimServer to act as a server, give it in/out access and, if your firewall permits it, let your firewall know that your Squeezebox is a trusted device.
SSH in Mac OS X
SSH in Mac OS X<br /> <br /> Mac OS X comes with its own implementation of OpenSSH, so you don`t need to install any third-party software to take advantage of the extra security SSH offers! Just open a terminal window and jump in.<br /> <br /> There`s no graphical front-end, however, so you`ll need to use some shell commands. In particular, you`ll need to change directories and possibly create the .ssh directory if you don`t already have one. Also, you`ll need to use emacs or vi to paste your public key, because pico inserts "line breaks" that will ruin your public key.
Computer Power User Article - DIY Networking
One of the most sought-after additions to any home network is also one of the toughest to define. Ask anyone with a large MP3 or video collection if she`d like a central location on her network to store all her files and she will almost certainly answer a resounding, "Yes." A media server serves that purpose, but designing one can be somewhat confusing.
Can I access my mp3s remotely? | Ask MetaFilter
get files to and from places
MacZealots > Tutorials > XM Satellite On Tiger
Play soft audio through mac
e2xo - Plaxo for your Mac, a better alternative to .Mac
by 1 otherPlaxo is .Mac for the rest of us. Mac users need only the e2xo Mac Plaxo client to gain access to the core functionality of Apple`s .Mac, contact and calendar syncing, using free Plaxo instead of $99/year .Mac. Keep using iCal and Address Book, install e2xo, and now every computer Mac or PC, and all your iSync compatible devices will be in sync, effortlessly.