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PUBLIC MARKS from shankargallery with tags news & americanartist

10 February 2007 14:00

Project Paperclip and Camp Evans

After the end of WWII talented German and other European scientists were brought to the United States in "Project Paperclip". The most famous of this group was Dr. Werner Von Braun and his rocket development team. While the rocket scientists went to Wh

Operation Paperclip Casefile

OPERATION PAPERCLIP After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medici

Reinhard Gehlen and His Organization

Reinhard Gehlen and His Organization We knew what we did. It was absolutely necessary that we used every son of a bitch as long as he was an anti-communist.~ Harry Rositzke, CIA-Russia expert Hitler's top spymaster,General Reinhard Gehlen, and his organiz

Documents reveal CIA recruited five of Eichmann's associates

Reinhard Gehlen, a chief Wermacht intelligence officer during World War Two, seen in the summer of 1942. (photo Archive)Five of Adolph Eichmann's Nazi assistants were recruited and employed by the Central Intelligence Agency after World War II, according

Trento,J. The Secret History of the CIA. 2001

Trento, Joseph J. The Secret History of the CIA. Roseville CA: Prima Publishing (Forum), 2001. 542 pages. Joseph Trento has been an investigative reporter on the national security beat since 1968. He had some scoops in the 1970s, and kept at it through th

Welcome to TheKowalskis.Com

Kitty's Rant...FIX Minimum Wage = indentured servitude - Monday, January 8, 2007 Call me a communist. I have ranted much about the class divisions - especially for workers making minmum wage. I just heard of some CEO getting EIGHT figures for leaving his

10 February 2007 13:45

Mind Justice - Targeted Individuals

US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights By Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton As Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons Completed December 2006 Sonoma St

FTR-01 Contra-CIA-Crack Connection (One 60-minute segment) $8

FTR-01 Contra-CIA-Crack Connection (One 60-minute segment) $8.50 FTR-02 Objective Evil (One 60-minute segment) $8.50FTR-1 Interview with Dr. Nick Begich (Two 30-minute segments) $8.50FTR-2 The "Phony Money" Scandal (One 30-minute segment) $5.00FTR-3 Upda

Neocon-Nazi War Crimes

Neocon-Nazi War Crimes By Schuyler Ebbets 30 June, 2003 Historian Omer Bartov points out that in the ideological confrontation with Russia, the German army reverted to the crudest moral code of war ever exercised. According to their d

2_The_Most_Egregious_War_Crime 7-7-03

The Most Egregious War Crime Posted July 7, 2003 By Schuyler Ebbets Recently Bush’s handlers again instructed him to make noises about charging Saddam Hussein and his top lieutenants with war crimes. With characteristic hypocrisy Bus

4_The_2004_Election_Has_Already_Been_Rigged.htm 9-2-03

The 2004 Election Has Already Been Rigged Posted September 2, 2003 By Schuyler Ebbets The Neocons have determined that elections can be manipulated easily with the new touch screen voting systems and when accompanied by a media poundin

10 February 2007 13:30

Pattern of Megalomania

Pattern of Megalomania by Schuyler Ebbets The Republicans were the first to use the term "coup d'etat" to describe the events surrounding the 2000 election. As each day passed without a clearly defined presidential leader fear and apprehension increased.

Voices - 'Dynasty of Death' (Part 1)

Dynasty of Death' (Part 1)Schuyler Ebbets There is no historic parallel that can be drawn, nothing compares with the accomplishments of the Bush family. No dictator or tyrant can equal the suffering and destruction they have wrought on humanity, as they

Voices - War Crimes and World Domination

War Crimes and World Domination By: Schuyler Ebbets Some have said that the World Trade Center was intentionally destroyed, and over 3000 people were murdered to create a Pearl Harbor style event to justify the Iraq war. People are free in America to spe


Knowledge of the 11,000,000 victims of the Nazi Holocaust will surely torment the soul of Humanity throughout its Destiny. Yet this was not the first time that a racial or religious group had been singled out for slaughter

Operation Paperclip Casefile: New World Order and Nazi Germany

Operation Paperclip CasefileThe U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America. It had originally intended merely to debrief them and send them back to Germany. But when it realized the extent of the scientists knowledge and expertis

Rise of the Fourth Reich: Bush Family Oligarchy

THE RISE OF THE FOURTH REICH THE BUSH FAMILY OLIGARCHY Funding the Hitler Project//The rise of the third reich In 1933, shortly after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor of Germany, the German Parliament was set on fire by the Nazis and the Com

10 February 2007 13:15 - Bush Family Funded Hitler

George Herbert Walker And Prescott Bush Funded And Directed The Military Industrial Complex Behind Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Revolution by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin from George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography The grandfather of President Geo