public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from shankargallery with tags lingam & clipmarks

14 May 2007

Clipmark: Small regions within prion proteins regulate their ability to cross species barriers

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Susan Lindquist, Whitehead Institute Written by David Cameron Susan Lindquist’s primary affiliation is with Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research, where her la

13 May 2007

Clipmark: The World Nomads Group

At you get so much more than travel insurance. With free SMS travel safety alerts, iPod language guides, your own online travel journal and destination guides, World Nomads keeps you travelling safely. Travel insurance: simple & flexible

12 May 2007


Flickr has been stopping photographs of art work from appearing in public areas and searches because, apparently, photos of art are not photos!! Even many artists who pay for pro accounts have not realised that this has happened to them as it’s hidden i

Clipmark: Israeli researchers: 'Lucy' is not direct ancestor of humans

The specific structure found in Lucy also appears in a species called Australopithecus robustus. Prof. Yoel Rak and colleagues at the Sackler School of Medicine's department of anatomy and anthropology wrote, "The presence of the morphology in both the la

10 May 2007

Clipmark: Scientists Identify Prion's Infectious Secret

But prions have another characteristic that enables them to wreak havoc. They recruit other, properly folded proteins into misforming along with them, a process Lindquist calls a "conformational cascade." In many organisms, this conformational cascade cre

Clipmark: Water Car

This one invention by a gifted soul would have saved our ecosystem and turned our genocidal civilization into a utopia. But tragically and unjustly it is not to be. In order for humanity to climb out of their self imposed pit of pollution and war, the wea

09 May 2007


More recently (April 2007) was found that; Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, type II diabetes, the human version of mad cow disease and other degenerative diseases are more closely related at the molecular level. An international team of chemists

08 May 2007

Clipmark: Spoutin' Off: Save the Internet radio

Whether you listen to Internet Radio or not, you still have a stake in the outcome of this fight. If you don't want the mega-corporations to control it all, contact your congressperson and ask them to support H.R. 2060. It has to happen by July 15th whe

05 May 2007

Clipmark: Pandora stops streaming outside the US

Copyright in itself isn’t a bad thing – but when it stops projects like this operating on a global scale then there’s something wrong. As Pandora states: “Delivery of Pandora is based on proper licensing from the content rights holders - we have a

Clipmark: clipiversity

Here at Clipmarks, we can't believe how much we've learned from the incredible clips that our users create. We've probably even learned more from your clips than in all our years of formal school! This podcast is our way of highlighting some of the thi


The e-petitions system launched in November 2006. It is currently in a public "beta test". This means that users are welcome to sign and create petitions, but we will be making changes to the site, as we fix technical problems, improve usability and respo

03 May 2007

Clipmark: Phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, mycoplasmas and their relatives

Phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, mycoplasmas and their relatives, all prokaryotes lacking cell walls and sharing other unusual cytological and molecular features, together make up the class Mollicutes ("molli" - soft; "cute" - skin). Although superficially sim

Clipmark: tethys marsh evolution Brain cells of whales similar to humans

Whales are cetaceans and they diverged from land mammals between 50 to 60 million years ago.Brain cells of whales similar to humans

Clipmark: Spiroplasmas, are present in the hemolymph of almost all insects; there probably are several million

Spiroplasmas are also within the size range of the agent that transmits CJD and other transmissible Spongiform encephalopathies. Spiroplasmas will pass through a 50 nm-pore filter. The transmissible agent's size has been determined to be 42 nm.Spiroplasma

Clipmark: Gene from the genetically engineered rapeseed was transferred in the bee's gut to the microbes.

Global food security is a key strategic issue regarding genetic modification. This could become a major concern, either through the impact of promotion of GM in agriculture in the third world, which will bring about the demise of the livelihoods of billio

Clipmark: Princeton researchers have found new mathematical evidence that some of string theory’s predictions

String theory, simultaneously one of the most promising and controversial ideas in modern physics, may be more capable of helping probe the inner workings of subatomic particles than was previously thought, according to a team of Princeton University scie

Clipmark: Himalaya climate change expedition

Later we found out some American tourists had held a "Free Tibet" banner. A serious offence in China. We didn't need this, for our work will involve banners too. Later the clouds lifted and Everest stood proud against the deep blue sky in the late afterno

30 April 2007

Clipmark: Welcome to the Honeybee Hemolymph Proteomics Database at the University of British Columbia.

The honeybee, Apis mellifera, is an invaluable partner in agriculture around the world, both for its production of honey and, more importantly, for its role in pollination. Honeybees are largely unexplored at the molecular level, despite a long and distin

Clipmark: Solar Panels on Co-op Rooftops

When your solar panels have been charged, courtesy of the sun, and start to generate electricity, your electric meters start going in reverse, to the point where Con-Ed must send you a refund. What are we waiting for?

Clipmark: News-Medical.Net

'Understanding how rogue prions kill cells is crucial to learning more about the prion diseases that remain a major concern for public and animal health following the BSE epidemic in UK cattle and the emergence of its human counterpart variant CJD. This w

29 April 2007