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PUBLIC MARKS from shankargallery with tags keykover & news

10 February 2007 13:15

Fleshing Out Skull & Bones, Chapter 17: Prescott Bush, the Union Banking Corporation and The Story

Prescott Bush,the Union Banking Corporation and The Story by Kris Millegan Based on Chapter 17 of Fleshing Out Skull & Bones “There’s three things to remember: claim everything, explain nothing, deny everything,” recalled Prescott Bush as to how p

Bush Family Nazi's test

Political Commentary Former UN Weapons Inspector: Don't Rule Out Staged Government Terror/Ritter says Neo-Cons are embattled, surrounded, could resort to desperate measures to further global domination./Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | October 24 2005 F - Comments on 'LORD OF WAR: "The First Rule of Gunrunning: Never Get Shot With Your Own Merchandise!"'

Re: One very, very long review that throws "facts" around (Reply to this comment)by macresarf1 Dear Stephen Foster: Welcome to Epinions! As a "newbie," you may not realize that I do not "throw 'facts' around," and my reviews are sometimes long because fa

Whitewash, Smokescreen, Disinformation and Modified Limited Hang-out

The Order of Skull & Bones is the Wizard of Oz! Presidents are just assassinated! There is no conspiracy! It’s just necessary for us barbarians "to be able to make sense of the world!" Whitewash, Smokescreen, Disinformation and Modified Limited Hang-out

Skull & Bones: The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President Bush

Skull & Bones: The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President Bush Listen | Watch A little-known fact unites Democratic frontrunner John Kerry and President Bush: they are both members of Yale's secret society Skull and Bones. We speak with the a

Bush Hitler Project

The Bush Hitler Project Bush Nazi Finance House Closed Down By Roosevelt Under The 1941 'Trading With The Enemy' Act

Antony Beevor

Air Raid Shelters In air raid shelters and bunkers, the lavatories were in most cases sealed off by the authorities because there were so many cases of people who committed suicide, having locked the door. This detail was not forgotten in the following d


THE RISE OF THE FOURTH REICH The Bush Family Oligarchy Funding the Hitler Project the rise of the third reich In 1933, shortly after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor of Germany, the German Parliament was set on fire by the Nazis and the Communists

10 February 2007 13:00

The New World Order, terror for profit (Part 20)

The New World Order, terror for profit (Part 20)Deanna Spingola Deanna SpingolaMany have acknowledged secretive entities, like the CIA, but have been persuaded that this corrupt organization has a legitimate function — like deterring communism or sprea

Holocaust Museum Houston : Exhibitions [Show Exhibition]

How Modern Art Escaped Hitler: From the Holocaust to Houston Until July 27, 2003 Josef & Edith Mincberg Gallery Along with a rare painting by Wassily Kandinsky, original works by Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Max Ernst, Josef Albers, Alexej von Jawlensky

The Company They Keep

That Germany lost the Second World War is not in doubt. That Germans suffered as a result is obvious. Some suffered more than others. The rich suffered least. Few were surprised. That is the way of suffering, war or peace. The Poles, the French, the Belgi

Mistakes of Moses

Now and then some one asks me why I am endeavoring to interfere with the religious faith of others,

10 February 2007 12:45

Positive Liberty » The Belfry

by Jonathan Rowe Peter Lillback’s 1200 page book on George Washington’s faith probably contains more non-sequiturs than any other book ever written. As I’ve noted before, he and his assistant do a great job reporting many facts about George Washi

Political Waves » Of COURSE there’s a plan for Iraq!

There’s always been one — it’s geo-political domination and ever-expanding corporate profit. Dubby just doesn’t want us to see it, so he covers it with rhetoric and faux-patriotism and whips up the Righty’s [who still haven’t stopped blaming t

Peak Energy: The Merchants Of Death

Past Peak has an excellent post on the plundering going on as part of the war in Iraq. Jonathan's not talking about Iraqi oil (or even about historical relics) - he's talking about the plunder of the US Treasury. Like everything to do with the Iraq war, t

nosimplematter: The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up

The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up By Larry Chin Global Research November 27, 2006 The Iraq Study Group (ISG) is a "bipartisan task force" created by the US Congr

War Crimes; Lies, Deceit & Corruption: Oil, Guns and Drugs – The Money Triangle

The war on Iraq was unprovoked. As we are all aware of the lies that brought this war to fruition; We must now begin to face the grim reality of what harsh repercussions this unprecedented war has had on the lives of so many innocent people. There was no


James Petras In the broadest and deepest sense, understanding how the US political system functions, the decisions of war and peace are taken, who gets what, how and why, requires that we address the question of ‘Who rules America?’