public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from shankargallery with tags clipmarks & community

16 June 2007

Clipmark: whale of a time capsule

"The recent discovery of a 19th-century bomb lance in a bowhead whale suggests that this species can live well over 100 years. The bowhead whale was hunted to near extinction in its native Arctic and subarctyic waters for its thick layer of blubber, oil a

14 June 2007

11 June 2007

10 June 2007

Clipmark: khmer art from angkor wat

Shadow Warrior A Hindu Nationalist Perspective. The name is from the Kurosawa film Kagemusha. As of March 07 this is a jointly written blog: new authors -- Ghost Writer, san, KapiDhwaja, AGWorld, Darkstorm

Clipmark: Creative Commons License

All my piano musings have a by-nc-sa license applied to them. That means that you can, without having to contact me and ask, download the pieces, and share them provided my name stays attached. You can also adapt them into your own works provided you appl

Clipmark: Iraq's War Wounded: In their own words

Once a leader in the Middle East, Iraq's health system is today under tremendous strain, itself a casualty of the war. Hospitals, especially in Baghdad, are overwhelmed in the wake of a multiple-casualty attack, and don't have enough medicines, surgical s

09 June 2007

Clipmark: kailash manasarovar experiences byShrilatha Puthi

I had tough time moving up and down, and it made me tired. I was getting worried how I would do parikrama. We started walking back to our campsite.

Clipmark: Songs of the Humpback Whale,Columbia Records, 1970,

As an artefact, the album tells us as much about sensibilities of the era as it does about whales themselves. Payne had opened up an undersea world previously restricted to marine biologists; an eerie submarine space of basso profondo groans and solitary,

Clipmark: Guru as Deus Ex-machina by RamRani

A few months before meeting Baba, I had received funds from the USA. When I left the Brajbasi plains for Kumoan to follow Baba,

Clipmark: Digital Himalaya Project

The Digital Himalaya Project is digitising archival collections of ethnographic information from the Himalayan region. Five major anthropological collections were selected for digitisation in the first phase of the projec

Clipmark: Beef eaters beware -- safety may be sent packing by Courtney Haden

Creekstone sued the USDA in 2006, and in the case of David v. Goliath, the little guy unaccountably won. A decision handed down by a U.S. district judge in March decreed that Creekstone must be permitted to start its own testing June 1. However, thanks to

Clipmark: Meatpacking Faux Pas

If testing is allowed at Creekstone, we think it would become the international standard and the domestic standard, too.

Clipmark: Portugal's new solar power plant

Prime Minister Jose Socrates has said he wants 45% of Portugal’s power consumption to come from renewable energy by 2010.

Clipmark: “Nevada Solar One”

“We are convinced that parabolic trough power plants are on their way to achieving a global breakthrough, thanks to Nevada Solar One. The technology has already proven itself and the costs of generating electricity will soon be competitive. Therefore, p

Clipmark: Walls of Chernobyl reactor : Melanin

While this is the first report of such as result, the fact that innovation occurs wherever there is free energy is not surprising. As mentioned by Arturo Casadevall this story in the spring when he was gave a seminar at Berkeley, marine organisms that liv

Clipmark: Fungi, Thriving on Radiation, Shed Light on Earth's Early Years

Casadevall urged caution in interpreting the results. That the fungi were ``eating'' the radiation didn't mean they were cleaning the radiation out of the sites, he said. ``What we know for sure is that radiation is associated with faster growth,'' he

08 June 2007

Clipmark: Have a fotolog? Have a livejournal?Moo is giving away free

Moo is giving away free 10 packs of their minicards, free shipping too. So if you have a fotolog or livejournal account order your's quick! You don't pay a thing, just join and order. Within 10 days you'll have your own free pack.

Clipmark: The Impending Himalayan Outburst

For more than a decade, the fear that the Himalayan glaciers may be melting have attracted the attention of geologists and policymakers. During this time, conferences and papers have been written about the topic and media coverage has also increased on th