public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag

December 2006

November 2006 | A visual exploration on mapping complex networks

by 64 others intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web. I truly hope this space can inspire, motivate and enlighten any person doing research on this field.

October 2006

Mr. Hyde fabricant de films courts

by 2 others
Mr. Hyde est une maison de production qui présente, comme une galerie, des travaux filmiques de réalisateurs issus pour la plupart du court métrage. Crée à l'initiative d'Hervé Lopez, ex créatif de BDDP/TBWA Paris, Mr. Hyde a pour objectif d'apporter aux créatifs, agences et annonceurs, des solutions créatives et économiques pour produire des films de publicité mais aussi des clips et des formats courts.

September 2006

Jumpcut [Make Amazing Movies Online]

by 31 others
Creating movies is the core of the Jumpcut experience. It's what we're all about. We give you a number of ways to get started quickly:

Romain Bernardie James and Marion Paris

I use both digital and traditionnal cameras. Tools : Canon 350D, Canon 5D, Canon A1, Nikon EM, Nikkormat, Certo6, Polaroid Barbie edition 600, Lomo Smena. and check the party photo blog l'aperolog

The 10th Anniversary of Flash - Most Influential Flash Site Of The Decade

by 1 other
ohlalalalala les vieux souvenirs de site flash de 1996 a télécharger pendant trois heures au modem 56k

Nikki McClure

Nikki McClure lives with her son Finn and husband Jay T in Olympia. Nikki uses an x-acto knife to cut her designs into paper.

August 2006

A Blue Chicken | Parra

Parra's distinctive style draws strong influences from skateboarding, hip hop, sampling, pop art and Hieronimus Bosch. Eclectic musical influences from Donovan to Slayer also influence his style and attitude. - Live concerts online

by 23 others
There is a lot of great music in the world. Much more than you hear on popular radio and television. Because of formats, timeslots, playlists and other old media concepts you are not getting what you should.

July 2006

STENCIL FONTS - FREE Download - Army, Navy, Air Force, Aircraft Font

by 2 others
Enorme site de ressources sur les typos stencil / militaires, shareware et commerciales, symboles...

Behavior | Work: Highlights

Founded by a team of Web development veterans in New York City, Behavior is focused on creating truly compelling user experiences. In the last four years, we've done exactly that, building relationships with A-list clients, producing dozens of Web sites and interactive solutions, and growing steadily into one of Manhattan's premier boutiques for new media design.

Nudist Trampolining

by 3 others
The sun is shining and the birds are singing so why not get your kit off and jump around on at rampoline !

Daniel Clowes

by 1 other
“Clowes demonstrates that the medium, in the hands of an expert, can generate narratives as complex and textured as any work of fiction” - ça donne envie de se faire toute la collection après la lecture de l'excellent David Boring

Scriptographer 2.0 release 17.06.06

«Today, any engagement with process usually touches on the digital. Jürg Lehni’s Scriptographer demonstrates how clued-up designer-programmers can fiddle with the nuts and bolts of prêt-a-porter software to open up new design possibilities. The front cover of this issue shows a detail from Charlie that was processed by one such script.»

Top 10 Best Designed Blogs by Elliott Back

by 11 others (via)
When you’re looking for the next leader in web 2.0 blog design, Hicks starts to look a little too plain, Santa Maria wicked-worn out, and Zeldman like something you might print out, not read online. Where are the leaders of modern blog design?

June 2006

An Eye For Annai

Sheridan design students Jonathan Klassen and Dan Rodrigues present a lovely animated short entitled An Eye For Annai. "This film was done by me and Dan Rodrigues in our third year at Sheridan College's Classical Animation Program. Everything is hand drawn and animated. We coloured the animation digitally, and the backgrounds are a mix of traditional and digital. I played the recorder for the soundtrack, and the jazz music near the middle is from Louis Armstrong's "Jeepers Creepers". The whole film comes in at just under 5 minutes long, and we're pretty darn proud of it. Tell your friends."


by 10 others
"ce qui coute cher dans la publicité, c'est le temps que vous mettez à vous decider" très belle agence qui a realisée notamment toutes les pubs eurostar radio / tv + l'humanité...

Graffiti Research Lab » Night Writer

by 1 other
The night writer extends the functionality of LED throwies by allowing a writer to catch a tag in lights. It’s cheap, easy to make and writes 12-inch glowing letters 25-feet in the air on any iron or steel surface…if you stand on a turned over garbage can.

May 2006

m3 online...good weather for air strikes

by 3 others, 1 comment
This blog will serve as a place for me to write about and share with you up and coming bands, as well as the base of operations for M3 Online. Also, all music here is for sampling - if you like the song, support the band, buy the album, or go to the show. If you are the owner of a sound file and would like it removed, please contact me and I will kindly take it down.

10 ways - Getty Image | Light by Sumona

At its most basic level, photography is light. Explore a multidimensional world to see how light – or its absence – can determine the mood, emotion and dramatic contrast within an image. From its content to its visual components, a photograph is filled with information. Choose a point on an image and delve deeper into it, linking one idea to another in a never-ending chain.

by 1 other
It seems to me that you always have to come back to being simple, essential and topical." That this has resulted in so many influential approaches is a tribute, not to what Paul Davis calls his wanderlust but to an unending aesthetic journey to find truth, discover form, develop ideas, and create distinctive art.