22 August 2005 10:15
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
(via)EWEA is the voice of the wind industry - promoting the best interest of the sector in Europe and worldwide.
08 August 2005 13:15
Association HEOL
Un lieu d'experimentation d'un mode de vie soutenable au Nord du département de Loire-Atlantique, en milieu rural, sur un terrain d'un demi hectare environ, en réponse aux problèmes fondamentaux de notre temps
22 June 2005 14:00
20 June 2005 20:45
CLER - Comité de Liaison Energies Renouvelables
by 1 otherLe Comité de Liaison Energies Renouvelables (CLER) est une association loi 1901 créée en 1984, regroupant plus de 150 professionnels répartis sur tout le territoire national
13 May 2005 14:30
Alternative Energy Blog - Alternate-Energy.org
by 3 othersalternative energy blog - news, views and strong opinions on alternate energy resources including wind power, solar power, wave power, geothermal & other renewable energy sources + news on other energy issues including peak oil, strong hybrid cars [PHEVs], hydrogen fuel cells, "clean" coal & nuclear power
15 March 2005 08:30
Southwest Windpower
It was 1987 when David Calley and Andy Kruse had an idea to build a company around a small 300 watt wind generator David had developed.