public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag webdesign

April 2008

Yahoo! UI Library: Grids CSS

by 15 others
The foundational YUI Grids CSS offers four preset page widths, six preset templates, and the ability to stack and nest subdivided regions of two, three, or four columns. The 4kb file provides over 1000 page layout combinations. Other features include: * Supports fluid-width (100%) layouts as well as preset fixed-width layouts at 750px, 950px, and 974px, and the ability to easily customize to any number. * Supports easy customization of the width for fixed-width layouts. * Flexible in response to user initiated font-size adjustments. * Template columns are source-order independent, so you can put your most important content first in the markup layer for improved accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO). * Self-clearing footer. No matter which column is longer, the footer stays at the bottom. * Layouts less than 100% are automatically centered. * Accommodates IAB's Ad Unit Guidelines for common ad dimensions. * Offers full A-grade browser support.

Sean Patrick O'Brien : UI & Resolution Independence

I, like most developers, love shiny new user interfaces. Rounded corners, gradients, drop shadows, custom drawing — all of these things make me smile. What I don’t love, though, is an application that can’t draw with resolution independence and whose Resources folder weighs in at around 100MB. It seems that almost every new app (with a few notable exceptions) handles its custom UI needs by filling the Resources folder with bitmaps of every part of their interface in every possible state. To draw their controls, they tape these bitmaps back together on the screen and call it a day.

March 2008

Grid-Based Design: Six Creative Column Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine

by 2 others
Grid systems bring visual structure and balance to site design. As a tool grids are useful for organizing and presenting information. Used properly, they can enhance the user experience by creating predictable patterns for users to follow. From designer’s point of view they allow for an organized methodology for planning systematic layouts.

Aviary - Creation on the fly

by 2 others
Aviary is a suite of web-based applications (RIAs) for people who create. From image editing to typography to music to 3D to video, we have a tool for artists of all genres.

I Want You To Want Me / by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar

I Want You To Want Me explores the search for love and self in the world of online dating.

Design Decisions: Adding the "Calendar Strip" to the Backpack Newsroom - (37signals)

If you have any events on the Backpack Calendar that are coming up in the next 7 days we’ll show up to 15 of them them in a strip on the right side of the Newsroom. If there are no events in the next 7 days the strip won’t appear.

Information Architects » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 3: Get it!

The map pins down nearly 300 of the most successful and influential websites to the greater Tokyo area train map. Different train lines correspond to different web trends such as innovation, news, social networks, and so on.

Drupal Sites that Don’t Look Like Drupal Sites at Like It Matters

While I’m sharing the nectar of the hive mind, I’ll write up the feedback you beautiful people gave me, re: Drupal sites that don’t make you want to fall asleep. (BTW, Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku are excellent for getting feedback & input from your tribe. Just make sure you share as much as you slurp.)

Newspond - About

by 1 other
At the heart of Newspond lies a fully automated news engine. This system continually watches over and reads hundreds of different websites, including everything from major news portals, to the tiniest blog, or forum.

Welcome to Firefox 3 Beta 3

by 2 others
Thank you for helping test Firefox 3 Beta 3! This release is being made available for testing purposes only. You should read the release notes before getting started.


Have you ever wanted to take your friends or audience and build your own social content website, inspired by YouTube, CitySearch, IMDB, Wikipedia, Yelp, or Flickr? It used to take thousands of dollars and computer programming knowledge to make a site where people could collaborate on content. Now, with BricaBox, you can have your own social content website, powered by you and your friends, group or audience, in just minutes, and for free! Click here to get started.

Widgets: The Future of Online Ads

The sheer volume of Web sites has grown so overwhelming that an increasing number of consumers—not just those in their 20s—are adopting multipurpose tools to help them manage and personalize the vast amount of data thrown at them every day. The mainstream adoption of online social networks such as Facebook and MySpace and personalized home pages such as iGoogle and Netvibes reflects attempts by consumers to make the Web more manageable. This new mindset, not surprisingly, also holds for the way in which the audience is willing to engage with ads.

February 2008

Email design and spam testing just got easy with Campaign Monitor

Testing your design in all the different email clients out there has got to be the most frustrating and time consuming part of sending email campaigns. Our design and spam testing tool changes all that by doing the hard work for you with a single click. For just $10 a test, you’ll get all this...

Beanstalk — Version Control with a Human Face

by 2 others
Beanstalk is a hosted Subversion system, making it easy to setup, browse, and track Subversion. Beanstalk has built-in integration with your favorite tools such as Basecamp, FogBugz, Campfire and more. Take a quick tour.

10 Mistakes in Icon Design - TurboMilk

by 3 others
It is much easier to criticize somebody else’s work than to create something cool yourself. But if you apply a systematic approach to criticizing, make a numbered list and prepare illustrations, it will be regarded as a fully-fledged analysis! In my opinion, icon design is undergoing a transitional period. On the one hand, screen resolutions are increasing, hence enhancing icons. On the other hand, we still have good old pixels. Icons sized 16×16 and even smaller are still widely used. And so, here are the most commonly observed mistakes in icon design…

The Mother of All Happy Macs Gives the Gift of Web 2.0

The trash can. The happy mac. The bomb. The visual language of point-and-click computing came to life in the imagination of Susan Kare, a fine arts curator hired by Apple in 1983 to design the look and feel of the Macintosh interface. Her whimsical, easy-to-grok icons tempted even nontechies to pick up a mouse, and her sleek screen fonts — with jet-set names like Geneva and Monaco — launched the first wave of elegant digital typography.

January 2008