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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags typography & webdesign

October 2007

The Showcase Of BIG Typography | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine

The main advantage of excellent typography lies in its ability to be both attractive and functional at the same time. Although images communicate more vividly, text presentation can impress visitors with its sharpness and precise geometrical forms and curves. Consequently, chosen wisely and used carefully, it can be very effective — and there are dozens of outstanding examples of how the latter can be achieved.

September 2007

Incremental leading : Journal : Mark Boulton

There has been a lot said recently about Vertical Rhythm. Richard Rutter began the work on 24ways last year with the piece ‘Compose to a Vertical Rhythm’. This was built upon by Wilson Minor on A List Apart recently with his article on Baseline Grids. All sound typographic advice. If you haven’t read both of them, I’d urge you to do so now otherwise you know what I’m on about it in this post.

August 2007

Anti-Grain Geometry - Texts Rasterization Exposures

by 3 others (via)
An attempt to improve text rasterization algorithms using only publicly available information

June 2007

Add and delete vertical space in measured intervals | The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web

“Headings, subheads, block quotations, footnotes, illustrations, captions and other intrusions into the text create syncopations and variations against the base rhythm of regularly leaded lines. These variations can and should add life to the page, but the main text should also return after each variation precisely on beat and in phase.”

April 2007

A List Apart: Articles: Setting Type on the Web to a Baseline Grid

by 3 others
We web designers get excited about the littlest things. Our friends in the print world must get a kick out of watching us talk about finally being able to achieve layouts on the web that they’ve taken for granted for years. Let’s face it: it’s easier these days to embed a video on the web than it is to set type consistently or align elements to a universal grid.

February 2007

design et typo » Blog Archive » Jacques Séguéla | typographie des marques et l’avenir de la presse quotidienne

Séguela, "le poids des mots, le choc des photos", cite Mao et le dénigre de la typographie sur le web... ah société destructrice.... insupportable...

December 2006

this web site was created in order to present the evolution of a personnal research in graphic designing as well as its different possibilities. it presents the work of an involved graphic designer who offers fair, fresh and dynamic results. therefore designsoldier proposes a creative vision based on a permanant research and experimentation.

Before & After magazine

by 15 others
Before & After magazine has been sharing its practical approach to graphic design since 1990. Because our modern world has made designers of us all (ready or not), Before & After is dedicated to making graphic design understandable, useful and even fun for everyone.

November 2006 Grid Systems in Graphic Design: Books: Josef Muller-Brockmann,Josef Muller - Brockmann

From a professional for professionals, here is the definitive word on using grid systems in graphic design. Though Muller-Brockman first presented hi interpretation of grid in 1961, this text is still useful today for anyone working in the latest computer-assisted design. With examples on how to work correctly at a conceptual level and exact instructions for using all of the systems (8 to 32 fields), this guidebook provides a crystal-clear framework for problem-solving. Dimension: 81/2 x 113/4 inches, English & German Text, 357 b&w examples and illustrations.

Table of Contents | The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web

by 10 others
For too long typographic style and its accompanying attention to detail have been overlooked by website designers, particularly in body copy. In years gone by this could have been put down to the technology, but now the web has caught up. The advent of much improved browsers, text rendering and high resolution screens, combine to negate technology as an excuse.

March 2006

The Logos of Web 2.0 | The FontShop FontFeed | Font blog, typography tips, and design news.

by 45 others
But even more characteristic among these brands is their appearance. Web 2.0 sites nearly always feel open and friendly and often use small chunks of large type. The colors are bright and cheery — lots of blue, orange, and what we jokingly call the official color of Web 2.0: lime green.

January 2006

The Anatomy of Web Fonts

by 4 others
If one aspect of design has suffered most in its transition to the Web, it is the art of typography. For years, Web typography involved little more than choosing a typeface and font size. Unstyled Times New Roman was the norm, and the integration of established typographical techniques and rules was unimagined.

March 2005

Just say no to Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor has long been known as the designer’s best friend. We think it should be your enemy. Using lorem ipsum dolor reduces text-based content to a visual design element (a “shape” of text) instead of valuable information someone is going to have to enter and/or read. multaflunt simulacris