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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag porn



Watch a video of people watching a VR porn video - Boing Boing

Here's a video of people wearing the Oculus Rift VR goggles and watching 3D VR porn. Language is NSFW.


How to Advertise on a Porn Website | Eat24 Blog

Hi, we’re Eat24. If you already know us – hey sexy, welcome back, looking good. If you’re new, let’s catch you up: Eat24 is the Internet’s favorite food delivery app and website. The first rule of Eat24 Club used to be “don’t talk about Eat24 Club,” but that  turned out to be a terrible marketing strategy

Hurt Me Plenty by Robert Yang

This a short game where you spank the heck out of a dude and learn about how BDSM communities attempt to formalize consent / caring. I was really interested in how we can make games about intimacy without a "kindness coins = sex cutscene" trope, and how we can use expressive gestures to roleplay / think about pain and intimacy. (For the record, I don't think my game gets it right, and it has a lot of flaws... this stuff is hard to design!)

Geometric Porn

Something abstract existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Visual geometry containing the non-explicit description of sexual organs or activity. Arising in the mind it intends to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

These are NSFW emoji for sexting | The Verge

Emoji aren’t sexy. They’re simple, tame, and accessible icons that work wonders if you want convey basic emotions. But when it comes to sexting, they're pretty inadequate. Winky faces, eggplants, and bananas have their uses, of course, but if you want to be a little sexier, you’re going to have to use your words.


Flirtmoji is a visual language designed to empower people of all sexualities to communicate their desires, concerns, and flirtations. We are a group of designers, developers, and hornballs on a mission to give the people playful, inclusive, and functional sex emoji. Launched in 2014 and based in the Bay Area, California, Flirtmoji is going places and we want you to come.

Everybody Sexts — Matter — Medium

What love (and sex) really looks like in the 21st century.

Google rompt avec les annonceurs porno — Le Tag Parfait

AdWords, la régie publicitaire de Google, existe depuis près de quinze ans. C’est elle qui glisse de petites suggestions sur la page de résultats lorsque vous louez les services de l’hégémonique moteur de recherche. Vous voulez prendre soin de votre premier bonsaï ? AdWords vous tend une poignée de sites sur lesquels vous êtes susceptibles de dépenser vos sous : des boutiques de jardinage, des bonsaïstes professionnels, et cetera. Toutes ces annonces sont sélectionnées par AdWords en fonction de votre position géographique, de votre langue, du moment de la journée et surtout des termes utilisés dans votre requête.

Discover what would happen if fonts had children - Digital Arts

New sketches from Mr Cromso imagine the offspring of five pairs of familiar typefaces.

Screening Sex -

À partir des années 1960, le cinéma américain commence à sortir de sa longue adolescence : Elizabeth Taylor prononce des mots jusqu’alors interdits, Dustin Hoffman perd sa virginité dans les bras de Mrs. Robinson, Jon Voight fait le gigolo dans les rues de New York. À Hollywood, la sexualité fait enfin son apparition comme sujet et comme question de mise en scène. Comment représenter les rapports charnels ? Comment les intégrer à la narration et à la vie émotionnelle des personnages ? Quelle expérience le spectateur fait-il de telles scènes ?


Fashion or Porn? - THE GAME

Can you distinguish fashion from pornography?

Nude Photography by Simon Bolz

I shoot nude photo series for magazines and capture only what's necessary not to overstimulate you.

Prussian Blue

Le magazine Prussian Blue propose une vision décalée de l'art au croisement de la création contemporaine et de la mode, mais aussi, par goût des contrastes, du classicisme le plus élégant. De la tenue donc, mais avec une pointe d'excentricité. La voie suivie est celle du dandysme artistique qui est le propre des amateurs, au meilleur sens du mot. Conformément à cette ligne, Prussian Blue s'attache à offrir des repères aux lecteurs, donnant accès aux ateliers des artistes, expliquant leur travail, informant de tout ce qui touche au marché de l'art, des collections privées aux ventes publiques.

Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The Observer

Ai Aoyama is a sex and relationship counsellor who works out of her narrow three-storey home on a Tokyo back street. Her first name means "love" in Japanese, and is a keepsake from her earlier days as a professional dominatrix. Back then, about 15 years ago, she was Queen Ai, or Queen Love, and she did "all the usual things" like tying people up and dripping hot wax on their nipples. Her work today, she says, is far more challenging. Aoyama, 52, is trying to cure what Japan's media calls sekkusu shinai shokogun, or "celibacy syndrome".

Bookkake — Dirty Books

Books that rub off on your skin, that clot beneath your fingernails; leave you shaking, and panting for more. Literature should have a physical effect on you, making you moan and scream. We love dirty books. Welcome to Bookkake. Bookkake‘s mission is to publish new and classic literature and other work which breaks the mould, that excites and enthralls, that take our readers out of themselves and into new realms of imagination.

Celebrate Your Sexuality with Pure!

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Quick and safe way to find sex right now

I Love Your Work, doc interactif de Jonathan Harris | DOC.0 Le blogue de Patricia Bergeron

Dernière œuvre interactive de Jonathan Harris, I Love Your Work ne déçoit pas et nous rassure même sur la continuité de la démarche de l’auteur. Jonathan Harris est un artiste prolifique. Après l’éclatant We Feel Fine (2007) où combinant code et design, Harris proposait une visualisation de l’humeur des gens à travers la planète avec des mini particules prises sur des blogues avec les mots I’m feeling, I feel… Déjà avec ce projet, Harris dévoilait ses intentions et obsessions artistiques ; les empreintes, les histoires, collectionner et s’y perdre.

I Love Your Work · An interactive film by Jonathan Harris

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I Love Your Work is an interactive documentary about the private lives of nine women who make lesbian porn. It consists of 2,202 10-second video clips, taken at five-minute intervals over 10 consecutive days. The full interactive website is limited to just 10 viewers per day, and tickets cost $10 each.

‘Kama Sutra’ Typography Is Sexy From A to Z -

After giving Penguin’s classic ‘Kama Sutra’ book cover a makeover, London-based French designer Malika Favre decided to create a raunchy illustrated typographic series.

The Kama Sutra Project — A-Z

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The Kama Sutra Alphabet is a personal project from French born and London based illustrator Malika Favre.

Global Internet Porn Habits Infographic | PornMd Sex Search

The below interactive infographic shows the top 10 most commonly searched terms on porn sites over a 6 month period. You can check out every state in the U.S. and then see what other countries around the world are searching for.

First person project

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crowd-sourced storytelling from the film "How To Lose Your Virginity"