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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags photography & books


The New York Photo Festival | The Future of Contemporary Photography

ASX on NYPH: Interim Award #3 – WINNER – Johnny Miller & Baptiste Lignel – “Coney Island” - Sometimes the combining of two items, or two individuals, or two styles or two colors, or two races or two nationalities, or two emotions or two boys or two girls or two sexes or two places or two ages or ALL of these things… sometimes these things can work together to provide a result that goes far beyond the simple doubling of the items… something that goes far beyond the 2 + 2 and becomes the 2 squared… an exponential result and so much, much more then if pulled apart. This principal is recited in the business world so much as to become almost cliche (teamwork! partnering! group goals!) and even in marriage it is a mantra at its core. The sum of the parts equals greater than the whole.

Days With My Father: $19.95 : Chronicle Books

Days With My Father -- Days With My Father is a son's photo journal of his aging father's last years. Following the death of his mother, photographer Phillip Toledano was shocked to learn of the extent of his father's severe memory loss. He started a blog on which he posted photographs and accompanying reflections on his father's changing state. Through sometimes sad, often funny, and always loving observations, we follow Toledano as he learns to reconcile the elderly man living in a twilight of half memories with the ambitious and handsome young man he occasionally still glimpses. Days With My Father is an honest and moving reflection about coming to terms with an aging parent.


The Future of Photography Books (discussion) « DARIUS HIMES

Andy Adams, the creative juice behind the online magazine Flak Photo recently contacted me about a “crowd-sourced” blog posting relating to photobooks, in conjunction with Resolve, the Livebooks blog. Was I game in posting something on my own blog? Sure. I’m always game for a discussion about photobooks.

Japan (signed) by Kubota, Hiroji :

Modern Japan, the second largest economy in the world, is a land of contradictions. Home to some of the most sophisticated technology and manufacturing, it also has communities whose daily life has changed little in the last five hundred years. It is a land of great beauty, both in the landscape and in its celebrations, festivals, and traditional arts.

Hassla Books

Tree Zone Nicolai Howalt & Trine Søndergaard

Coney island par Baptiste Lignel et Johnny Miller

"Coney Island " photographies de Baptiste Lignel et Johnny Miller. Texte de Bruce et Sophie Gilden. 64 pages, 38 euros. Disponible en librairie et auprès de l'éditeur sur - Baptiste Lignel et Johnny Miller sont tous deux membres fondateurs d'Otra Vista, coopérative de photographes, fondée en 2001, dédiée à la photographie documentaire. - Voir le livre en mouvement sur le site du collectif Otravista :

Coney Island Book | Baptiste Lignel - Johnny Miller

Parc d'attraction mythique à la marge de New York, qui a inspiré tous les photographes. Ici un nouveau regard, en quatre mains. L'approche de chacun des deux photographes, et chaque corpus d’image renforce l’autre, et élargit son sens. L'ensemble permet, en montrant très peu, de faire deviner et comprendre beaucoup. On ne voit pas Coney Island. On voit ce qui le constitue ?

Magnum : Pandora's Box

Mistress Raven directed a staff of 14 at Pandora's Box, a 4000-square-foot, high-class Manhattan S & M club that bills itself as the "Disneyland of Domination." Interspersed with pages made of latex, rubber, colored gels, and other erotic materials, Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas's documentary photographs of the club's highly formalised rules and rituals, its role-playing "vacations from reality," reveal both the customers who frequent the club and the women who command them. To buy this book go to MAGNUM STORE MAGNUMSTORE

Japan by Hiroji Kubota

Modern Japan, the second largest economy in the world, is a land of contradictions. Home to some of the most sophisticated technology and manufacturing, it also has communities whose daily life has changed little in the last 500 years. It is a place of great beauty, both in the landscapes and its celebrations, festivals, and traditional arts. Hiroji Kubota spent four years traveling the length and breadth of his country's many islands, capturing the magnificent diversity of the people and places along the way. From rice paddies to pachinko parlors, ancient temples to the Honda assembly plants, Kubota's lens has captured both the ordinary and the extraordinary of a dually antiquated and modern nation.

Trans Photographic Press

Trans Photographic Press est une maison d'édition dédiée à la photographie, qui forme l'ambition de révéler des auteurs contemporains, de publier des inédits de grands photographes, d'offrir une actualité éditoriale aux grands classiques de la photographie


Joseph Bellows Gallery - Thomas Allen : Pulp Fiction

Allen's photographs are inspired by his childhood experiences with pop-up books and View-Masters. He begins his process by cutting figures and images out of illustrated pages of old books and vintage fiction novels. Allen then cleverly rearranges and juxtaposes the forms to create three-dimensional scenes. Next, he carefully lights his subjects and photographs the scenes.

Body Type -- Intimate Messages Etched in Flesh by Ina Saltz

by 1 other
"BODY TYPE: Intimate Messages Etched in Flesh" is the first book devoted entirely to typographic tattoos. It has been called INSPIRING, SHOCKING, AND VOYEURISTIC... BODY TYPE explores the ideas and emotions behind this indelible commitment.

2006 Hungry Planet: What the World Eats: Books: Peter Menzel,Faith D'Aluisio

Après l'excellent "Material World" Peter Menzel réitère en nous montrant ce que Le Monde mange.


Yann Arthus Bertrand vs Google maps

by 5 others
La terre vue du ciel par google / Beaucoup de clichés retrouvés sur Google maps via les coordonnées GPS données dans le livre