public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags museum & design


Katagami Design Demonstration | Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York

On March 16th, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum hosted a fascinating demonstration of the process of a traditional form of Japanese stencil carving  (katagami) and its use in the technique of resist-dyeing textiles (katazome) at the Cooper-Hewitt Design Center in Harlem.



by 3 others
The hidden heroes have won no fewer than 28 creative awards. We are highly delighted and also a little bit proud.


Typography of the San Francisco MoMA : un album sur Flickr

The SFMoMA is all about creating a space for modern art to live. But there's also a meta-layer to the art experience that comes from the aesthetic and conceptual life of the space itself – the colors, the architecture, the little design touches. These elements contribute to our experience of the art inside, but often operate below our cognitive awareness. I decided to bring one of those meta-elements to the forefront of attention – the typography used inside the museum, on anything from exhibition signage to elevator buttons to restroom signs.


Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution is the only museum in the nation devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. The Museum presents compelling perspectives on the impact of design on daily life through active educational and curatorial programming. It is the mission of Cooper-Hewitt’s staff and Board of Trustees to advance the public understanding of design across the twenty-four centuries of human creativity represented by the Museum’s collection


Hello to all friends and lovers of rare and vintage musical electronic toys. This is the first museum of lost organs, damned keyboards, childish synthesizers, dusty voice transformers and singing calculators. Most of them are from the 70ies and 80ies.