public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag mac

January 2007

ComicBookLover Features

by 2 others
Read comics in single page mode, or Western and Manga double page mode Auto-sense over-sized pages and auto-resize facing pages so they fit neatly Full screen mode with on-screen display and dual-display support Simple keyboard and mouse controls

FFView is a fast OpenGL-powered picture viewer a la ACDsee (2.x). It is aimed at letting you read manga or other comics onscreen (windowed & fullscreen mode). Features include fast prefetching, smooth panning, voice commands, 2-page mode, a magnifying lens, the ability to browse pictures inside archives (.rar/.cbr, .zip/.cbz/, .pdf) and sticky per-picture options. It reads EXIF tags and is scriptable.

Apple - Boot Camp - Executez Windows sur votre Mac

Boot Camp vous permet d'installer Windows XP sans déplacer vos données Mac, mais vous devrez néanmoins disposer de votre propre version de Windows car Apple ne commercialise aucun logiciel Microsoft Windows ni n'en assure le support technique(1). Boot Camp permet de graver un CD contenant tous les pilotes Windows nécessaires : fini les heures passées sur Internet à rechercher les pilotes !

Votre imprimante CANON sous Mac OSX

by 1 other
Si comme moi vous travailler sous les 2 environnements MAC OSX et WINDOWS et que vous possedez une imprimante CANON parmi les suivantes qui je le rappelle ne sont pas proposées en France avec des pilotes pour le système APPLE :

Creating Passionate Users: iPhone and the Dog Ears User Experience Model

“The U.I. is spectacular, but for reasons you can’t see in a photograph, or get from the online keynote video. The best part of the iPhone is simply this: the U.I. is alive.” Apple's Next-Generation Themes

See, I was going to originally title this "Apple's Secret Theme Tool!!", in an effort to clutch your e-eyeballs dramatically. (I've gotta get this here vortal to be more sticky!) Unfortunately, a public patent filing isn't exactly "secret". And this is all about one of the most interesting Apple patent filings I've seen lately.

» AdEtchr

by 1 other
les ordis portables avec de la pub sur le capot...

Apple - QuickTime - Macworld 2007 Keynote

by 5 others
Watch Apple CEO Steve Jobs kick-off Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 with a keynote address from San Francisco's Moscone West. See the video-on-demand (VOD) event right here exclusively in QuickTime and MPEG-4. Voiceover users click here to listen to keynote address.

November 2006

Mediafour | MacDrive 6

MacDrive is the ultimate solution for sharing files between Mac OS and Windows, perfect for graphic design, audio, video, education, digital photography, publishing, word processing, CAD/CAM, database administration and much more.

September 2006

May 2006

April 2006

Apple sucks -- Chad Dickerson’s blog

Over the weekend, in getting ready for my trip Bangalore (via London, where I sit now with a long layover), I decided to download some episodes of “The Office” from the iTunes video store...

February 2006

December 2005

T3 - The new iPods?

Apple's iPod is ready to enter our lives as never before, according to the company's former design chief. Robert Brunner, who oversaw the design of the Powerbook and now works for leading design firm Pentagram, has created a number of concept designs that combine a wireless version of the ubiquitous MP3 player with a watch, camera and a phone.

Pro'tech'd [say protected]

Mission : To create and distribute well designed sustainable consummer products and create economic opportunities for women in developping countries

October 2005

iBelieve - Pop on the divine and rejoice !

by 2 others (via)
"But now bring me a man who plays music. And when the man played music, the groove came upon them" 2 Jobs 3:15

cracked by apple mafia

by 1 other
press space to start ! apple II crack screens

Apple - iPod Erotica

Masturbate on the go.

Apple - Aperture

by 1 other
Designed from the ground up for professional photographers, Aperture provides everything you need for after the shoot, delivering the first all-in-one post-production tool for photographers.

iPod nano : crash test

...We placed the nano in the path of the car and drove over it with both front and rear tires. Driving over the nano produced sickening crunching noises which coincidentally sounded a lot like an LCD being crushed....

September 2005

Le Mac OS X pour Intel déjà piraté

by 1 other
L’exécution de Photoshop, logiciel gourmand en mémoire vive et en ressources de calcul a bien profité du Pentium 4 3,6 GHz du PC d’expérimentation. Notre test s’est exécuté 2,7 fois plus rapidement sur celui–ci que sur un iMac G5 20’’ ! Pixel Imperfection

Three cosmetic flaws that, more than anything, disclose the author's continued descent towards the final ("Siracusa") level of interface design neurosis/obsession.

Jonathan Ive / Designer of the Year 2003

The winner of the Design Museum's inaugural Designer of the Year award in 2003 was JONATHAN IVE, senior vice-president of design at Apple whose innovations include the iPod and iMac.