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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags literature & books


Simogo - DEVICE 6

by 1 other
A surreal thriller in which the written word is your map, as well as your narrator. DEVICE 6 plays with the conventions of games and literature, entwines story with geography and blends puzzle and novella, to draw players into an intriguing mystery of technology and neuroscience.

Bookkake — Dirty Books

Books that rub off on your skin, that clot beneath your fingernails; leave you shaking, and panting for more. Literature should have a physical effect on you, making you moan and scream. We love dirty books. Welcome to Bookkake. Bookkake‘s mission is to publish new and classic literature and other work which breaks the mould, that excites and enthralls, that take our readers out of themselves and into new realms of imagination.



ZINC DE LIVRES Rencontres littéraires dans les bistrots Vendôme (41)

Vendôme, ses bars et ses terrasses, 60 auteurs, leurs mots, leurs voix, des amoureux des livres, 2 jours, autour d’un verre, se réunir...

Litterature | Livres audio gratuits à écouter et télécharger

by 9 others
Des Livres à Lire et à Entendre est une association loi 1901 qui a pour objet de faciliter l’accès de tous et en particulier des non-voyants et malvoyants aux joies de la littérature.


Henry David Thoreau

La Désobéissance Civile (en français) au format PDF (75 Ko).