public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag language



TOEFL Podcast

by 6 others
You've come to the right place. With’s TOEFL® Podcast, you will improve your English by listening to native speakers talk and discuss topics similar to those that will appear on the TOEFL® or IELTS exams. You'll learn new idioms and expressions and learn to use them the way native speakers do. No more "textbook English"!


The Alternative Dictionaries

by 9 others
The Alternative dictionaries are a collection of various forms of "bad language" from many languages. At the moment, there are 2743 entries in 162 dictionaries. This is a collaborative project with contributions from a lot of people. The pages are developed and edited by Hans-Christian Holm.

Common Errors in English

by 2 others
The term “ugly American” used to describe boorish people from the U.S. insensitive to those in other countries bothers fans of the 1958 novel The Ugly American whose title character was actually sensitive and thoughtful—he just looked ugly. The popularizers of this phrase hadn’t read the book and judged its message too quickly by its title. - Top 50

by 12 others
j'aimerai avoir une femme chez moi qui finit pas par .jpg :/

Acrodict - Dictionnaire Francophone des acronymes

by 1 other
Mots composés, généralement, des initiales de chaque terme constitutif d'une expression usuelle (souvent technique), d'une marque etc... et dont l'usage consensuel vise à abréger la longueur d'un discours, d'un écrit. L'acronyme se distingue des abréviations et sigles, par le fait que le mot obtenu par concaténation des lettres retenues forme un ensemble syllabique correct, le rendant prononç;able. Ceci au contraire des abréviations et sigles qui ne se prononcent qu'en les épellant lettre par lettre.

Le Conjugueur

by 63 others
La conjugaison est l'ensemble des formes que peut prendre un verbe. Comment peut-on bien conjuguer ce verbe ou de quel verbe s'agit-il ?

Internet slang - Internet Jive

AFAIK you should learn all these acronyms ASAP, please CTTOI before you CTD - CU

Best Online Generators

by 15 others
Acronym, advertising, african name, anagram, brand name...


by 12 others, 1 comment
The largest database of acronyms and abbreviations on the web

Pour Causer moche de suite !

by 2 others
Ne dites ni écrivez "angoissant" mais plutôt... "kafkaïen"

WORDCOUNT / Tracking the Way We Use Language /

by 9 others
WordCount™ is an interactive presentation of the 86,800 most frequently used English words.