public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag language

December 2008

Learn Japanese with

by 6 others
The Fastest, Easiest and Most Fun Way to Learn Japanese! Free Access to Over 800 Lessons. Over 25 million downloads by students in 120 countries and territories. What do they know that you don't?

November 2008

Split screen (filmmaking) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In film and video production, split screen is the visible division of the screen, traditionally in half, but also in several simultaneous images, rupturing the illusion that the screen's frame is a seamless view of reality, similar to that of the human eye. Until the arrival of digital technology in the early 1990s, this was accomplished by using an optical printer to combine two or more actions filmed separately by copying them onto the same negative, called the composite.

October 2008

Kenbukan : Règlement intérieur

En entrant dans le Dojo, saluer debout (Ritsu Reï) le Shinza (Autel, matérialisé par le portrait d’Okada senseï). Tous les saluts (Reï) s’exécutent le plus loin possible du Shinza (Autel).

September 2008

Archives & Museum Informatics: Museums and the Web 2008: Papers: Marlow, J., et al., The Multimatch Project: Multilingual/Multimedia Access To Cultural Heritage On The Web

The EU-funded MultiMatch project aims to overcome language barriers and media and distribution problems currently affecting access to on-line cultural heritage material. Partners are developing a vertical search engine able to harvest heterogeneous information from distributed sources and present it in a synthesized manner. To design such a system, user requirements were initially gathered and then translated into specific design features to ensure that the search engine developed was consistent with user needs. This paper presents these user requirements, the initial design of the MultiMatch system, and technical discussion of the system architecture and components used to turn these design implications into a working interactive prototype. Following this, we discuss user evaluation and present results from an initial user study. These are being used, in addition to other input, to drive the functionality and design of the final system.

August 2008

Yuuguu Newsletter » Yuuguu bridges gap for CINTIQUE Translations

What does a business do to stay in touch and share documents with its people when those people – industry specialists based (in the target country) abroad– are spread across the globe? CINETIQUE Translations, a company that provides expert translation services faces just such a challenge and turned to Yuuguu to solve the problem. Founded in 2002 by Laurence Auffret, a biologist and translation lecturer at Manchester University, CINETIQUE Translations was set up to combine the two specialist skills of science and translation to produce a thriving business that specialises in offering translation services to the technological, scientific and engineering communities. CINETIQUE Translations’ work includes: websites and user interfaces; conference publications, presentations and training modules; installation, operating, and maintenance manuals; and patents, claims, EU compliance documentation and tender documents. All this kind of work requires the utmost accuracy but a key issue in terms of translation in general - and technological, scientific and academic translation in particular – is to generate translations that do not just do the job in literal terms, but are able to translate the exact sense, meaning, and phrasing of any work. In other words, all translations must mean precisely the same ‘thing’ as in the original document. In CINETIQUE Translations’ fields of expertise this means it is essential that translators are fluent, not just in the requisite languages, but also the information contained in the original documents, as well as how that same information needs to be communicated in the target market. To help achieve this, CINETIQUE Translations uses ultra-specialist translators, they live and work in their home territory and in the specific industry. It also researches any documents that it produces thoroughly, often running them past focus groups, which are themselves based in the target territory. That all means that effective sharing tools – like web conferencing – would be vital. But, they are also expensive, complex to set up and time-consuming. CINETIQUE Translations is using Yuuguu to contact its in-country consultants – and sample groups – simply. It also uses Yuuguu to share documents and enable live document editing and note-making through the screen-sharing and control features. The benefits, says Laurence Auffret, are obvious: “Our translations are done by industry experts who live in the country where the translated document is going to be used. Firstly, it’s really important for us to be able to discuss documentation as a team - publisher, client, translator, editor, project manager - in real-time”. “Also, team meetings always take place online and we need to share our views on certain aspects of the documents, in real-time. So, we screen-share and one person can add on another linguist’s work – it’s a great tool.”

May 2008

Leçon 03 - Les Nombres - Méthode audio de chinois mandarin

Les chiffres et les nombres chinois. Apprenez à compter en Chinois de 0 à 100 000 000.

February 2008

Le Houellebecq - type, motion, typographie, cinétique, animation - Dailymotion Share Your Videos

Fabrice luccini dans un élan de virtuosité littéraire, pendant une emission de radio, parlant de michel Houellebecq, retranscrite en typographie cinétique

Litterature | Livres audio gratuits à écouter et télécharger

by 9 others
Des Livres à Lire et à Entendre est une association loi 1901 qui a pour objet de faciliter l’accès de tous et en particulier des non-voyants et malvoyants aux joies de la littérature.

The Mother of All Happy Macs Gives the Gift of Web 2.0

The trash can. The happy mac. The bomb. The visual language of point-and-click computing came to life in the imagination of Susan Kare, a fine arts curator hired by Apple in 1983 to design the look and feel of the Macintosh interface. Her whimsical, easy-to-grok icons tempted even nontechies to pick up a mouse, and her sleek screen fonts — with jet-set names like Geneva and Monaco — launched the first wave of elegant digital typography.

ÉduSCOL - Publications form. ens./Les langages du cirque contemporain

1/ Y-a-t-il un vocabulaire du cirque contemporain ? 2/ Quels sont les procédés rhétoriques utilisés aujourd’hui pour conférer du sens aux gestes acrobatiques ? 3/ Quels sont les thèmes abordés par les artistes du cirque aujourd’hui, et leurs registres esthétiques ? 4/ Quelles sont les valeurs portées par les spectacles contemporains ?

January 2008

The History of Visual Communication - The Art of the Book

This website attempts to walk you through the long and diverse history of a particular aspect of human endeavour: The translation of ideas, stories and concepts that are largely textual and/or word based into a visual format, i.e. visual communication. Wikipedia defines visual communication as:

Visual communication is the communication of ideas through the visual display of information. Primarily associated with two dimensional images, it includes: art, signs, photography, typography, drawing fundamentals, colour and electronic resources. Recent research in the field has focused on web design and graphically oriented usability. It is part of what a graphic designer does to communicate visually with the audience.

December 2007

November 2007

Bienvenue chez Textes Rares

Témoignages sur le monde de l'édition du XVe au XIXe siècle, textes et images / Texts and pictures from the 15th to the 19th century

October 2007

Ask H&FJ | Hoefler & Frere-Jones

So along with mayonnaise, diesel engines, and high-waisted pants, we think it's time to bring back the intercap. Give it a new name if it's good for business (aioli worked wonders for the egg lobby): perhaps intercapping in 2008 will be about caseTransparency or serverBranding. If after all this you're still uncertain about whether you prefer caps or lowercase letters, maybe it's time for a graphic art sex change.

Dialogues, Monologues ::

Bienvenue sur cinelog, la base de données des répliques cinématographiques. Ils sont drôles, philosophiques et/ou tout simplement cultes, retrouvez les meilleurs dialogues et monologues du cinéma. Profitez des différentes façons de parcourir la base et n'oubliez pas d'aller au ciné pour la faire grandir avec vos trouvailles ! Nous avons actuellement 2384 répliques en stock réparties dans 787 films. Passez un agréable moment sur cinelog !


Le pangramme est le contraire du lipogramme que Littré définissait comme un texte affectant ne pas utiliser une lettre particulière de l’alphabet. Le mot est issu de deux racines grecques pan (toutes) et gramme (lettres). Un texte pangrammatique sera donc fabriqué en s’efforçant de faire entrer une ou plusieurs lettres données dans un récit. Certains textes basé sur l’anagramme ou contenant obligatoirement des lettres bien définies à chaque ligne (Belles absentes) relèvent de la même technique.

July 2007

Human Brain Cloud: Play

by 2 others
I wanted to quickly learn Flash and Javascript while taking a break from making this game, and the result was Human Brain Cloud - a massively multiplayer word association "game" or experiment ... or something. The idea is that given a word, a player types in the first thing that comes to mind and the results are combined into a giant network.

Glossaire 2.0 : focus, widget et monétiser - La Tortue Cynique / The Cynical Turtle

by 1 other, 2 comments
Focuser Concentrer. Exemple : on ne trouve plus aujourd'hui de berlingots de lait focusé sucré dans les supermarchés.

June 2007

Flickr goes international with seven new languages | Reuters

by 1 other, 1 comment
Flickr, the popular online photo-sharing site owned by Yahoo Inc., said on Monday it is moving to further internationalize its service by creating versions in seven major languages besides English.