public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag language


Real Talk With Trans People — Matter — Medium

Words can cut, like knives slicing open wounds. For transgender folk, loaded lingo has long made us feel unseen and unwelcome. Now there’s a growing acceptance that we all need to stop using words that reduce trans people to their clothing (“transvestite”) or their genitals (“transsexual”), or that are plain offensive (“tr-nny”).

Crystal | Communicate with anyone, based on personality

by 2 others (via)
Crystal is a new technology built upon an ancient principle: Communicate with empathy.


How to Write 225 Words Per Minute With a Pen - Dennis Hollier - The Atlantic

In many respects, Gregg is even more ingenious than the smartpen. And, although no electronics or gizmos were involved, it was a tremendously powerful and influential technology for nearly 100 years. Now, it’s become the key to my workflow in the Internet age. 

Microsoft's Skype Translator will translate voice calls on the fly | The Verge

Microsoft's Skype will eventually be able to translate voice calls between people. In an on-stage demo at the Code conference today, Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella showed off Skype Translator, an upcoming version of the service that is capable of translating voice conversation in "near real-time" using technology developed by the company's Skype and Translator teams. With it, you can talk in your native language to another user who speaks a different language, and Microsoft will translate it to the other person.

Style Tiles

by 1 other (via)
Style Tiles are a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web. They help form a common visual language between the designers and the stakeholders and provide a catalyst for discussions around the preferences and goals of the client.

Found In Translation on Behance

A personal project where I aimed to illustrate words found in foreign languages that cannot be Anglicised word for word.

Datawords | Société internationale | Production digitale multilingue

Datawords diffuse votre contenu marketing multi-canal dans plus de 35 langues, en l'adaptant à chaque marché. Datawords assure la production digitale multilingue de nombreuses grandes sociétés internationales depuis maintenant plus de 12 ans. Nous simplifions la mise en oeuvre mondiale de votre stratégie digitale internationale.

basil.js // About

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It is one of our main goals to expand the methodologies of design and to educate our students in developing a set of individual, unique styles and aesthetics. While Adobe InDesign on the one hand is offering a valuable set of pre-defined, common solutions for layout and design problems, a programming language on the other hand allows for questioning the set of available methods and for extending it by creating new tools.

Koe (声) - A JRPG with Japanese at the core of gameplay by Jitesh Rawal — Kickstarter

Koe is an introduction to the Japanese language in a game reminiscent of traditional JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Pokemon.


Japan’s 10 Strangest Love Hotel Names | Tokyo Desu

Love hotels, or “rabu ho” in Japanese, can be found all over Japan, offering short “rest” periods and various apparatus to help guests rest more effectively. As well as offering a range of themes from Christmastime to Hello Kitty, many of them also have imaginative names.

Brace yourselves for the proliferation of the 'finger hashtag'

The hashtag was born on IRC networks before migrating to Twitter and evolving into something that people verbalised ("hashtag fail"). Now some factions are trying to turn it into a gestural expression and Nimrod Kamer -- a filmmaker and journalist -- is all for it. You can follow him on Twitter at @nnimrodd


A Sneak Peek At Our Upcoming Kanji Learning Site: WaniKani

We’ve been moderately quiet about the kanji learning site WaniKani. Since it’s getting close to private alpha time (if you get the 30 Day Ebook there’s a link in there for previously said private alpha) I wanted to shed some details on the project that Viet’s been so hard at work on all these months. Of course, since it’s quite early everything I’m about to say is liable to change, but don’t you want to know more anyways?

Chinagram - Chinese Writing

The application for iPad or iPhone that tells the story of Chinese writing, explaining its logic and showing its beauty, sign after sign.


Defuse | Fluid Interfaces

Defuse is a new method for navigating and participating in online discussions. Previous designs for online discussion were successful under the assumption that participation would be limited to tens or at most hundreds of participants. Emergent social conventions have been able to smooth over media as they scale, but ultimately they are limited by the design of a medium itself. Defuse seeks to continue scaling online discussions by adding social, structural, and historical context throughout the interface, and by widening the expressivity of a message to match the user's intention. It does so using a combination of natural language processing, machine learning, visualization, data portraiture, social network analysis, and medium design.



by 1 other

Browse | Unsuck It

What terrible business jargon do you need unsucked?


by 1 other (via)
From the 17th of May, Bandai are to release a new series of trading figures in the form of kanji that transforms into its animal counterpart. The product is called "Mojibakeru" [もじバケる] which is a compound word of "Moji" [文字] meaning "character" and "Bakeru" [化ける] meaning "to change into."

sci.lang.japan : Introduction and Contents

Welcome to the sci.lang.japan Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). This is a list of questions and answers about the Japanese language originally from the Usenet newsgroup sci.lang.japan.

Dictionnaire français-japonais : Introduction

by 7 others
Ce site abrite un dictionnaire/lexique japonais/français disponible et téléchargeable librement. Il a été réalisé par un ensemble de volontaire bénévoles en traduisant en français une partie du dictionnaire japonais-anglais Edict de Jim Breen, déjà disponible suivant ce principe.


Katas de Kurama Ryu

Kurama: kura une selle ma un cheval donc Kuramaryû l'ecole de la selle de cheval Seitoken: sei la justice to atteindre ken un sabre donc le sabre qui atteind la justice Senden: sen flamboyer den un eclair donc l'eclair flamboyant Empi: en hirondelle bi vol donc un vol d'hirondelles Seigan: sei bleu gan oeil donc l'oeil bleu Henka: hen etrange drole ka changer donc variation transformation Kisô: ki energie sô reciproque donc energie mutuelle Suisha: sui eau sha voiture donc le moulin a eau

Mama Lisa's World en français: Comptines et chansons pour les enfants du monde entier

Bienvenue sur Mama Lisa's World en français, qui abrite la plus grande collection de comptines et chansons enfantines internationales de tout l'internet. Quelle que soit la culture à laquelle un enfant appartienne, quel que soit le drapeau sous lequel il ou elle vive, voici le lieu où trouver des chansons enfantines, en français et dans leur langue d'origine. Certaines chansons ont la musique Midi ou Mp3.

Dictionnaire des kanji japonais - Accueil

by 5 others
Ce site a pour but de présenter à tous (que vous soyez simple curieux ou passionné de langue japonaise) un dictionnaire contenant la grande majorité des kanji (idéogrammes d'origine chinoise) utilisés dans la langue japonaise. Aujourd'hui, les 1945 kanji officialisés par le gouverment y sont intégralement et j'espère pouvoir en rajouter quelques autres par la suite. Dans la section Documentations, vous pourrez également découvrir l'histoire des kanji, les règles de tracé, ou encore les méthodes de classement ...