public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag lang:en

06 November 2006

Amberjack: Site Tour Creator - Simple. Free. Open Source.

by 28 others
Amberjack is a lightweight Open Source library, enabling webmasters to create cool site tours. By guiding your site visitors, Amberjack tours can greatly improve the usability of your website.

04 November 2006

spiekerblog | scroll down all the way!

Erik Spiekermann is information architect, type designer (ff Meta, itc Officina, ff Info, ff Unit, LoType, Berliner Grotesk et al) and author. He was founder (1979) of MetaDesign, Germany’s largest design firm with offices in Berlin, London and San Francisco. In 1988 he started FontShop. He holds an honorary professorship at the Academy of Arts in Bremen, is board member of ATypI and the German Design Council, and president of the istd International Society of Typographic Designers. In July 2000, Erik left MetaDesign Berlin. He now lives and works in Berlin, London and San Francisco, designing publications, complex design systems and more typefaces.

03 November 2006

Typograf - font management for OpenType,TrueType and Type 1 print-preview-load

The Typograf top class font manager * previews all OpenType, TrueType, PostScript Type 1 and printer fonts, * displays all font properties (typeface classification, kerning pairs, file data, copyright...), * views character set, keyboard layout, zoom view, * finds similar fonts and compares several fonts, * prints fonts in many ways and * manages fonts in database and font groups.

Torrentfreak is my new favourite future of media distribution weblog

by 7 others (via)
Torrentfreak is my new favourite future of media distribution weblog - Obviously BitTorrent is mostly used for piracy, but observing what's going on around BitTorrent seems like a no-brainer way to learn what early-adopters are actually interested in getting from their media consumption...

26 October 2006

Roadgeek Fonts: Background Information

For that reason, I created the Roadgeek fonts in 2000, based on FHWA specifications. The original Roadgeek 2000 fonts were released before I was completely done with them, but they've seem to caught on. I didn't want to go back to finish those fonts for fear of having competing, possibly not-quite-compatible, versions of these fonts floating around the web.

23 October 2006


by 1 other
BOMB IT is the explosive new documentary from award-winning director Jon Reiss investigating the most subversive and controversial art form currently shaping international youth culture: graffiti.

20 October 2006

19 October 2006

Why Sassoon ?

Sassoon® typefaces were researched and the findings published by handwriting expert Dr. Rosemary Sassoon and since 1987, in partnership with Adrian Williams a whole range of font products for reading and handwriting education in schools has been developed. They cater for National Literacy Strategy Guidelines used in UK schools.

17 October 2006

Welcome to Design Public™ -- Fresh New Design Online: 800.506.6541

by 9 others
Design Public’s mission is to sell fresh and inspiring design with a continued commitment to educate, inspire, nurture, and celebrate great new design.

16 October 2006

:: a swedish designer in america...hoping to bring you everything inspirational in design from both sides of the atlantic. is home to me, like every house in Sweden, painted red with white trims. The red pigment was a bi-product of the mining industry in Sweden. They turned it into paint and called it Falu Rödfärg. It was the cheapest and most accesible paint. This all happened a long time ago but the majority of the houses in the Swedish country side are still painted red. Nothing says home to me like a red house ::

GOOD MAGAZINE | What Matters

by 3 others (via)
We see a growing number of people tied together not by age, career, background, or circumstance, but by a shared interest. This revolves around a passion for potential mixed with fierce pragmatism and creative engagement. We sum all this up as the sensibility of giving a damn. But to shorten it, let's call it GOOD. We're here to push this movement and cover its realization. For while so much of today's media is taking up our space, dumbing us down, and impeding our productivity, GOOD exists to add value. So here's our first issue. We worked hard to give you something that you'll like.

09 October 2006

Captain Pugwash Interactive Storybook

Ahoy land Lubbers welcome aboard the Black Pig

Talk Like A Pirate Day - September 19

Welcome to the one and only, official, accept-no-substitutes Talk Like A Pirate Day Web site. You've read about it in Dave Barry's blog. Maybe you caught one of our radio or TV interviews. Or maybe you just stumbled on to our site while googling around for sites your mother probably wouldn't approve of. Perhaps you're one of the millions of people from South Africa to Australia, from New York to the Pacific Northwest, who party like pirates every September 19th

02 October 2006

Daniel Clowes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2 comments (via)
Daniel Gillespie Clowes (born April 14, 1961 in Chicago) is an American author, screenwriter and cartoonist of alternative comic books, including Eightball and Lloyd Llewellyn. He is best known by mainstream audiences for the movie Ghost World, which he adapted from some of his stories.

28 September 2006

Cynical-C Blog - » William S. Burroughs - Thanksgiving Prayer

Thanks for the wild turkey and the passenger pigeons, destined to be shit out through wholesome American guts.

27 September 2006

T-shirt Island

T-Shirt Island ( talks everything about T-Shirt. From T-Shirt you can buy (or sell maybe) through online shop, its design, and modern pop culture influence latest trends of T-Shirt. Yes, we are talking about fashion, news, blogging, social perceptions, and more!

Retro To Go: Design

by 1 other
a guide to all things hip and retro

22 September 2006

Read Regular

Designed to assist dyslexic readers, Read Regular is a typeface designed by Dutch designer Natascha Frensch. Letterforms like b and d are typically drawn as the same character and then just swapped. Read Regular differentiates these forms by making each unique.

AIGA - They're not fonts!

It seems that just about everyone is using the word “font” when they are referring to a typeface. “Fonts” and “typefaces” are different things. Graphic designers choose typefaces for their projects but use fonts to create the finished art.

18 September 2006

Nikki McClure

Nikki McClure lives with her son Finn and husband Jay T in Olympia. Nikki uses an x-acto knife to cut her designs into paper.

Free Secure Online Storage — Xdrive

by 8 others
Get 5GB of FREE space, and save a secure copy of your photo collection, home videos, music, and any other digital file! X drive / Xdrive

15 September 2006

13 September 2006

Relakks - Surf the web anonymously and secure

Relakks offers you not only to surf anonymously, but also to use clients and applications anonymously on the internet